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Are subject to change or is subject to change?

Are subject to change or is subject to change?

What does “subject to change” mean? When something is “subject to change,” this means that it will likely change if the surrounding circumstances dictate so. This is a term used by businesses to give themselves some leeway and to be able to adapt to changing circumstances.

What does everything is subject to change mean?

Subject to change means the conditions set are prone to or likely to be affected by change. This usually goes for schedules, prices, some specific policy set before.

How do you say something is subject to change?

synonyms for subject to change

  1. conditional.
  2. not carved in stone.
  3. not firmed up.
  4. proposed.
  5. tentative.

Are subjects changing without notice?

What does Prices are subject to change without notice mean? It means that you could come another day and the price of the same item may be different than last time and no one is responsible for notifying you of that price change. I think it’s pretty self explanatory. They put this disclaimer on almost everything.

Is subject to adjust?

Subject to adjustment means that the number of shares to be granted under your Replacement Options will be changed to give effect to any stock splits, stock dividends, recapitalizations or similar transaction that may occur between the Expiration Date and the Replacement Option Grant Date.

What is a sentence for change?

Change sentence example. The cracking and booming of the ice indicate a change of temperature. We think that we can change our clothes only. I will be able to change their color.

How do you use subject to?

subject to

  1. 1 : affected by or possibly affected by (something) The firm is subject to state law.
  2. 2 : likely to do, have, or suffer from (something) My cousin is subject to panic attacks.
  3. 3 : dependent on something else to happen or be true The sale of the property is subject to approval by the city council.

What is a another word for change?

1 transmute, transform; vary, mutate; amend, modify. 3 replace, swap.

What is another word for subject to?

What is another word for subject to?

disposed to liable to
susceptible at the mercy of
exposed to sensitive to
given to endangered by
inclined to liable

What does prices are subject to change without notice mean?

If you say that prices are subject to change without notice, you’re saying that the potential exists for that to occur. The company has the right to change prices without notice. The emphasis is on the fact that changes can be made without notice, not on the fact that they actually are made.

What does it mean prices are subject to change?

Availability of prices in the brochure is limited and at the time of purchase prices may be higher. All prices are subject to change without prior notice due to currency fluctuation, fuel prices and/or unforeseen economic circumstances.

What is a better word for change?

Some common synonyms of change are alter, modify, and vary. While all these words mean “to make or become different,” change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another.

What is the meaning of the phrase subject to change?

The phrase “subject to change” is composed of a phrasal verb, “subject to,” and a noun, “change.” A phrasal verb is a phrase that acts as a verb made up of a regular verb and either a preposition, an adverb, or both.

What does ” subject to change ” mean in real estate?

Subject to Change. All advertising, promotional materials, lot and floor plans, renderings, amenities and pricing information associated with Hunter’s View and Frost Creek, and any home, homesite or cabin, are subject to change by Seller without notice in Seller’s sole and absolute discretion. Subject to Change.

Is the content of this contract subject to change?

The content of this statement is subject to change as a result of experience, new information, changes in process requirements and the availability of resources. Subject to Change. The terms and conditions of this Contract are valid starting 01. November 2011.

How are ethnic definitions subject to change over time?

Ethnic definitions are subject to change over time, both within and outside groups. All dates for openings are estimates based on information provided by the Highways Agency and are subject to change or delay.