Useful tips

Why does the inside corner of my knee hurt?

Why does the inside corner of my knee hurt?

Inner knee pain can be the result of an injury caused by a sport or exercise, such as running, that puts a strain on the knee joint. This pain can also be caused by trauma, where a person has fallen on their knee or been in an accident. This condition occurs due to inflammation in a tissue in the knee called a bursa.

What muscle is on the inside of your knee?

The MCL is a band of tissue that runs along the inner edge of your knee. It plays a role in connecting your shin and thigh bones to keep your knee stable and working properly. The MCL can tear when it stretches far enough or if the outside of your knee is hit very hard.

What ligaments run on the inside of your knee?

The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) runs on the outer side of your knee. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) runs along the inside of your knee.

What is the bone on the side of your knee called?

A small bone called the patella sits in this groove and forms the knee cap. It acts as a shield and protects the knee joint from direct trauma. A fourth bone called the fibula is the other bone of the lower leg.

What causes pain in the inside of the knee?

Pain on the inside of the knee is known as medial knee pain. It is most commonly caused by caused by a sudden trauma (acute knee injury), but can also develop gradually through overuse or poor lower limb biomechanics. Quick links:

What is inside the knee?

The inside of your knee is cartilage. This is between the femur and tibia bone. The cartilage helps to flex your knee, and keep your knee together. Without the cartilage the femur and tibia bone would not be able to support each other.

What causes arthritis under knee cap?

Causes. Damage to the kneecap cartilage for whatever reason can lead to arthritis. This could be as a result of instability, fracture of the kneecap or developmental for example when a kneecap doesn’t fit properly into the groove.

What does it mean when your knee hurts to bend?

Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune form and other forms of arthritis affecting the knee joint, can also cause knee pain when squatting or bending the knees. Sometimes, joint infections or other infections in the body, which can spread to the knee joint, can also cause knee pain on bending or squatting.