Useful tips

Why do I have to keep entering my password on mail?

Why do I have to keep entering my password on mail?

Your internet connection could be down or having problems. A firewall could be blocking your attempts to connect to your mail server. This is also common if you specify an incorrect password too many times.

Why does my Mac keep forgetting my Passwords?

When a Mac app no longer remembers password and login data, it’s often the result of corrupted keychain files. This is easy to fix in three easy steps with Keychain Access first aid.

Why does my iPhone email keep asking for my password?

Both FaceTime and iMessage require your Apple ID to sign in, which involves entering your email and associated password. It could fix the problem if you sign out of both apps and sign back in again. This is as simple as going to Settings then Messages and tapping the slider to turn Messages from on to off.

Why does my iPhone keep saying my email password is incorrect?

If you try to connect to your email account using your iPhone and you receive an Incorrect Password error message, you must change the password saved in the iPhone email app to match the password for your email account.

What should I do if I Forgot my Apple email password?

If you forgot or want to change the email password for a different email service, contact the email provider or request a password reset from their website. Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement.

Why is my email password not working on my Mac?

Because the password you use with Mail is usually the same password you use with webmail, try signing in to webmail with that password. If it doesn’t work there either, your password is probably incorrect. Your email provider can help you verify your email settings and make sure you’re using the correct password for the Mail app.

Why does my iPhone keep asking for my email password?

Question:Q: Question:Q:iPhone keeps asking for Outlook email password several times a day and not pushing emails down This has been going on over a month now, I have deleted and reinstated the email account. I have also restored the device but the phone keeps asking several times a day to enter the hotmail/outlook email password.

What to do if mail keeps asking for your password?

If no other solutions work, try setting up your email account again. To do that, first remove your email account, then add the account back. If you’re using Apple’s iCloud Mail, find out how to resolve issues with iCloud Mail. The password you use with iCloud Mail is your Apple ID password.