Useful tips

Why are there blue lights on forklifts?

Why are there blue lights on forklifts?

Blue spotlights mounted on the front and/or rear of the lift truck alert pedestrians when a forklift is nearby, and how fast it’s approaching.

What do the lights on the forklift mean?

Forklift Strobe Lights, Blue Spotlights, and Red Side Pedestrian Lights: Strobe lights, blue spotlights, and red side lights on a forklift are not required by OSHA, but adding these lights can help support good safety practices in some work environments, and are generally meant as an approach or warning light.

What are the safety rules for parking the lift truck?

Parking Safety Rules

  • Always try to find a level surface to park on.
  • Lower forks, or the forklift attachment, all the way to the ground.
  • Put the gear into neutral.
  • Make sure the wheels are straight.
  • Set the parking brake every time you park the forklift.
  • Turn off the engine before dismounting the forklift.

Where is the danger zone on a forklift?

Ensure pedestrians stay a safe distance away from the forklift with the Red Zone Warning Light. The Red Zone puts a bright red line on the floor, near the forklift, to show pedestrians where they are not allowed. This zone can also be called the SAFETY HALO zone and can be adjusted to the distance of your choice.

Does OSHA require blue lights on forklifts?

The purpose of blue, and sometimes red, LEDs attached to forklifts is to project focused light onto the floor at various distances front/back/side from the forklift to provide a visual warning to pedestrians and nearby workers. This practice is not required, or prohibited, by federal OSHA.

What is forklift safety?

Stay Safe While Using A Forklift Ensure both forks are as far under the load as possible before lifting. Drive with the load as low as safely possible. Pay attention to posted speed limits and warning signs. Always look in the direction you’re traveling; if a load blocks the view ahead, travel in reverse.

Does OSHA require forklift inspections?

Federal OSHA requires that forklift vehicles have to be inspected at least daily, or after each shift when used around the clock. You will find this requirement in the Powered Industrial Truck standard at 1910.178(q)(7). You ensure that all essential features of the vehicle are inspected routinely, and.

At what speed should a forklift be operated?

1-2011. The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) recommends a max speed of 8 mph in general and a 3 mph max speed in areas where pedestrians are present.

What are the 7 classes of forklifts?

The 7 Classes of Forklift Trucks

  • Class 1: Electric Motor Rider Trucks.
  • Class 2: Electric Motor Narrow Aisle Trucks.
  • Class 3: Electric Motor Hand or Hand-Rider Trucks.
  • Class 4: Internal Combustion Engine Trucks—Cushion Tires.
  • Class 5: Internal Combustion Engine Trucks—Pneumatic Tires.

Is it illegal to leave keys in a forklift?

You might not be aware but it is actually illegal to leave the keys in an unattended Forklift. This measure is to prevent unauthorised use of the Forklift. All forklifts and plant equipment can be fitted with low cost Driver Identification systems which prevent unauthorised usage.

What is Forklift safety?

What training does OSHA require annually?

The initial training shall be for 24 hours and refresher training shall be for eight hours annually. Employees who have received the initial training required by this paragraph shall be given a written certificate attesting that they have successfully completed the necessary training.”