Useful tips

Where do I find the user manual on turnigy 9XR?

Where do I find the user manual on turnigy 9XR?

From the main screen you can press [RIGHT LONG] to enter the model setup pages. Pressing [LEFT LONG] will enter the general setup menus. Once in the menus you can navigate between different screens using the [LEFT]/[RIGHT] keys as long as the cursor is at the top right position of the screen. Editing and Saving

Is the turnigy 9XR pro radio transmitter without module?

For its low sales price with no modulator or battery this transmitter is right up there with the big boys. It comes with erSky9x installed stick it’s pretty usable, but if you update the firmware which itself takes no time is very simple.

Is the turnigy 9XR pro the next revolution?

Now we have the Turnigy 9XR PRO, the next revolution in radio systems! True to the ethos of the original, the 9XR PRO still offers great value but we have completely overhauled this radio to make it even more powerful based on customer feedback.

Is the ersky9x installed on the turnigy 9XR pro?

It comes with erSky9x installed stick it’s pretty usable, but if you update the firmware which itself takes no time is very simple. The new firmware also increases the model memory to 60 from the 20 or so stock model memory which is great if like me you have an ever growing fleet of drones.

How much does a turnigy TGY 9x radio cost?

Specialized manufacturers have recently proposed: the touchscreen, 2.4G and integrated telemetry. He lacked, however, a crucial step: more affordable prices. This is done with the new Turnigy TGY 9x. For less than $ 55 (40 €) you can get a programmable radio 2.4 GHz 8 channel 9 channel with its receptor. No you’re not dreaming!

What should I know about the turnigy 9x 2.4 GHz radio?

1 – A 2.4 GHz radio for less than 50 €? 2 – Specifications of TGY 9x. 3 – The receiver, the pairing, range test. 4 – The main screen, the navigation buttons and menus. 5 – The menu “SYSTEM”. 6 – “Settings” menu. 7 – Conclusions, Pros and cons. 8 – Reports of incidents and bugs. 9 – General warning on the 2.4 Ghz. 10 – Links for TGY9X.

How can I adjust the hardness of my turnigy 9x?

To adjust the hardness of the sleeves, open the box with six metal screws in the back. Then remove the mat son connecting the LCD to the processor bus. A screw on each trolley sleeve allows adjustment of hardness. Proceed until you feel very neutral. It should not be too much bounce when you drop the handles from an extreme position.