Useful tips

Where can I download the original BFME 2 disk?

Where can I download the original BFME 2 disk?

Download Options.ini and put it in the folder. [ image] Open the Options.ini file and edit Resolution = 1920 1080 to your screen resolution and save. If you have the original BfME 2 disk then please skip to step 3 and use your legitimate cd key.

Is there an online server for battle for Middle earth?

T3A:Online is a free custom online server for the Battle for Middle-earth series. We support BFME1, BFME2 and RotWK. T3A:Online integrates seamlessly into your BFME experience by requiring no third party software and allowing you to log in through the game’s online interface and play against your friends and foes through our T3A:Online server.

How to download bfme1 / bfme2 / rotwk installation guide?

Download Options.ini and put it in the folder. [ image] Open the Options.ini file and edit Resolution = 1920 1080 to your screen resolution and save. If you have the original RotWK disk then please skip to step 3 and use your legitimate cd key. RotWK needs BfME 2 version 1.06 installed. Use the BfME 2 Patch 1.09 Switcher to change to version 1.06.

What are the new features of BFME reforged?

Features of BFME: Reforged NEW GAME ENGINE A new engine allows the support of up to date technology and compatibility with newer systems, new photo realistic graphics, improved game mechanics and much more! Continue reading In 2011 EA Shutdown their server of of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II.

When does the bfme1 HD Edition come out?

The BFME1: HD Edition is a model pack featuring both reworked and all-new unit and hero models for The Battle for Middle-earth. Our goal is to overhaul BFME1’s unit and hero graphics while maintaining onlineContinue reading. August 3, 2019August 4, 2019.

How to download battle for Middle Earth 2 HD Edition?

Download the lotrbfme2ep1.rar. 2. Download and install the BFMEII HD Edition. 3. Make a folder in your game file which is located in: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Electronic Arts\\The Battle for Middle-earth II and name is BFMEII HD. 4. Extract the file from the step 1 to the BFMEII HD folder with winrar or something similar. 5.