What was the last word in the dictionary?
What was the last word in the dictionary?
‘Zyzzyva’ – a tropical beetle – has become the new last word in the Oxford English Dictionary with the latest quarterly update which added over 1,200 new words, phrases and senses. Until now, the last alphabetic entry in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) was zythum, a kind of malt beer brewed in ancient Egypt.
When was the last word added to the dictionary?
The latest update of the OED, published on 1 December 2010, revises more than 2,400 entries and adds new words from across the dictionary.
What’s the last word in the Webster’s dictionary?
The last word in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged is a related word, zyzzogeton “a genus of large South American leafhoppers of the family Cicadellidae”. The Oxford English Dictionary ends on a nonword, zyxt, a long-obsolete Kentish spelling of second person singular present tense of see!
Is the word final in the Oxford dictionary?
[only before noun] being or happening at the end of a series of events, actions, statements, etc. Jamie is in his final year at Stirling University.
What words are being removed from the dictionary 2020?
These words may be removed from some dictionaries
- Aerodrome.
- Alienism.
- Bever.
- Brabble.
- Charabanc.
- Deliciate.
- Frigorific.
- Supererogate.
What is the first word in the dictionary?
Ask anyone which word comes first in an English dictionary, and they will assuredly answer “aardvark“.
What is the synonym of last word?
Last-word Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for last-word?
Parthian shot | final remark |
last word | parting shot |
stratagem |
Which is the last word in the Dictionary?
Zyzzyva, a genus of tropical weevils often found in palm trees in South America (pictured), is the new final word in the 826,000 word list in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Where did the last word Zyzzyva come from?
It is much less likely you’d find Zyzzyva in your home, however. The insect was discovered in Brazil in 1922 by Irish entomologist Thomas Lincoln Casey, who gave it the strange name. The origin of the word is unknown, and it seemingly has no etymology.
Is there a last word you can’t pronounce?
The Oxford English Dictionary has a new last word. Bet you can’t pronounce it. – The Washington Post The Oxford English Dictionary has a new last word. Bet you can’t pronounce it. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, eighth grader Samara St. Louis was cramming for a spelling bee in 2012, when she stumbled upon a word that quickly became her favorite.
What’s the last word in the English Chambers Dictionary?
A KIND OF BEER MADE BY THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS. That is the LAST WORD in the English CHAMBERS DICTIONARY (13th edition) THAT I POSSESS. A must-have set of tools for multiplatform development. Get JetBrains Toolbox with its 15+ code editors for all languages and technologies included in one app.