Useful tips

What type of questions come in SSC exam?

What type of questions come in SSC exam?

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam Pattern

Serial No. Sections No. of Questions
1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 25
2 General Awareness 25
3 Quantitative Aptitude 25
4 English Comprehension 25

Is SSC exam tough?

The examination conducted during this shift is considered Easy to Moderate level of difficulty. Since there are four sections the question paper of SSC CGL is divided into, the difficulty level of all the four sections varied from Easy to Moderate difficulty level.

What is the salary of SSC?

SSC CGL Salary: Total Gross & In-hand Salary after 7th Pay Commission

Pay Level of Posts Pay Level-8
Payscale Rs 47600 to 151100
Grade Pay 4800
Basic pay Rs 47600
HRA (depending on the city) X Cities (24%) 11,424

How should I start preparing for SSC?

How to Prepare General Intelligence and Reasoning for SSC CGL Exam 2020-21 Tier 1

  1. Solve SSC CGL Practice Set of last year’s question papers as much as possible.
  2. Practice GI and Reasoning questions every day.
  3. Topics like puzzles, figure-based questions, analogy, coding-decoding, series, are particularly scoring.

Are there any previous year question papers for SSC?

Practicing previous year question papers will surely you in upcoming SSC recruitment exams. Apart from SSC exam question papers, also download state exams question papers with a complete solution including UP Police Constable, MP Patwari, MP SI, IB ACIO, KVS, etc.

Where can I download SSC GD model question paper?

Dear Folks !!! SSC constable question paper is available here. General deputy constable exam model question papers are uploaded on our page. People who applied for SSC GD notification 2021 can download the pdf free of cost.

Who is responsible for setting SSC question paper?

The Staff Selection Commission is the body responsible for setting the SSC question paper for various posts. Every year, lakhs of candidates fill in the application form, which makes the competition more challenging.

Are there previous years SSC CHSL papers with solutions?

Given below in the table are the detailed SSC CHSL Previous Years Papers with Solutions. Attempt the Papers to know about the type of questions asked and the difficulty level to upscale your SSC CHSL Exam Preparation 2020. Download PDF! Download PDF! Download PDF! Download PDF! Download PDF! Download PDF! Download PDF! Download PDF! Download PDF!