Useful tips

What percentage of uterine biopsies are cancer?

What percentage of uterine biopsies are cancer?

Many women who have symptoms of endometrial cancer (vaginal bleeding after menopause or abnormal menstrual bleeding) may have a biopsy that shows precancerous changes of the endometrium, called complex hyperplasia with atypia. Risk is high that 25 to 50 percent of these women will go on to develop endometrial cancer.

How accurate is a biopsy of the uterus?

The post test probability of endometrial cancer was 81.7% (95% CI 59.7%-92.9%) for a positive test and 0.9% (95% CI 0.4%-2.4%) for a negative test. Conclusion: Outpatient endometrial biopsy has a high overall accuracy in diagnosing endometrial cancer when an adequate specimen is obtained.

What to expect after an uterine biopsy?

After the procedure, it also is normal for some bleeding to occur. Occasionally, however, the pain or bleeding becomes excessive. If the pain lasts more than two days or the bleeding is more than a normal menstrual flow, the patient should contact her doctor. Infection of the uterus or uterine tubes infrequently results from endometrial biopsy.

How long do you Bleed after an uterine biopsy?

Although small amounts of bleeding are normal after endometrial biopsy, you should tell your doctor if the bleeding lasts for more than two days following the procedure or is excessive. Tips for Aftercare. Your health care provider will likely suggest you take a pain reliever, but only take the type they recommend.

How painful is an uterine biopsy?

You may experience some light spotting or bleeding after the procedure, so you’ll be given a menstruation pad to wear. Mild cramping is also normal. You may be able to take a pain reliever to help with cramping, but be sure to ask your doctor. Don’t use tampons or have sexual intercourse for several days after an endometrial biopsy.

What is recovery time after endometrial biopsy?

After the Endometrial Biopsy. You will remain in a recovery room until the effects of sedation or anesthesia wear off. You may return home and should rest for about 24 hours. (If you received general anesthesia, be sure to arrange for a ride home.) You may experience mild cramping for several days.