Useful tips

What is the safety device on an acetylene cylinder?

What is the safety device on an acetylene cylinder?

Fusible plugs are made of metals that melt at low temperatures. For example, acetylene cylinders have a fusible plug which melts at about 100°C (212°F). This temperature is safely below the temperature at which hazardous polymerization may occur.

What are the safety precautions for gas cutting?


  • Keep the cylinder upright and away from hot jobs.
  • Fix the DA and oxygen regulator to the respective cylinders after ensuring free from dirt or grease.
  • Connect the cutting hoses to the regulators and cutogen with hose clamps.
  • Open the cylinder and check for leakage by soap water test at the joints.

What PPE is required for oxy acetylene?

Wear welding gloves, helmet, leather apron, welding chaps, leather boots, welding goggles, and other personal protective equipment to help prevent weld burns and injury. Make sure the welding goggles or face shield have at least a No. 4 filter lens.

Is acetylene banned in UK?

Regulation 3 prohibits the manufacture, use, storage, transport, import or sale of liquid or solid acetylene, whether on its own or in any mixture. Applications for a licence should be made to the licensing authority, which is usually the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (regulation 6).

What PSI should oxy acetylene?

In case the recommended working pressure settings are not indicated, safe numbers are 40 psi for oxygen and 10 psi for acetylene, regardless of cutting tip size. Simply adjust them until you get a neutral flame, but pay close attention to the acetylene pressure to prevent it from exceeding the limit.

Does oxygen or acetylene open first?

We recommend closing the oxygen valve first whenever turning off an oxy-fuel torch system especially when Acetylene is fuel. This is only part, but a very important part, of the complete safe operating procedure recommended for torches by Harris.

What are safety precautions during arc welding?

Safe practice and accident avoidance

  • Wear protective clothing including insulating safety boots.
  • Stand or kneel on a mat of insulating material which should be kept dry.
  • Only use an all-insulated electrode holder.
  • Place the welding power source outside the working environment.

Can you weld with oxy acetylene?

Oxy-Acetylene welding requires a specific skill set and thorough practice, coupled with which it can be used to weld virtually any metal! When oxygen and acetylene are mixed in right proportions within a blowpipe or hand-held torch, they can produce a very hot flame, with a temperature as high as 3,200 degrees.

Can I use LPG instead of acetylene?

Propane can like acetylene be used for cutting. If you cut with acetylene, you normally put the tip of the inner flame cone on the metal (1mm from the plate surface). If you do the same with propane, you will be waiting for a long time.

What is the most important PPE?

A Mirror: Your Most Important PPE.

How safe is acetylene?

Acetylene is highly flammable under pressure and is spontaneously combustible in air at pressures above 15 psig. Acetylene cylinders do not contain oxygen and may cause asphyxiation if released in a confined area.

Can acetylene tanks explode?

Acetylene is highly unstable. High pressure or temperatures can result in decomposition that can result in fire or explosion. Acetylene cylinders must never be transported or stored in a closed vehicle.

What do you need to know about acetylene welding?

Make certain that reverse flow-check valves and flash arrestors are installed on the oxygen and acetylene lines. • Do not leave the work area until the cylinder valves are closed. Be sure the cylinder valves are closed and pressure is relieved from the hoses before you leave your work area.

What are the safety precautions for oxyacetylene welding?

Safety for Oxyacetylene Welding Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled. 1. PURPOSE 1.1. To provide safety guidance in the use in performing oxyacetylene welding. 2. SCOPE 2.1. For all Employees, Instructors and Students who will be working with oxyacetylene welding equipment and 3. PRECAUTIONS POTENTIAL HEALTH & SAFETY HAZARDS

Can a flashback into an acetylene cylinder cause an explosion?

There are a number of incidents each year where a flashback into an acetylene cylinder triggers decomposition, leaving the cylinder in a dangerous, unstable condition, which can lead to an explosion. A flashback occursif there is a flammable mixture of fuel gas and oxygen in the hoses when the torch is lit.

What’s the proper way to open an acetylene cylinder?

• Open cylinder valves correctly. Open the valve on the acetylene cylinder no more than three-fourths of a turn so it can be closed quickly in case of emergency. Open the valve on the oxygen tank fully. While welding or cutting, leave the valve wrench in position. • Keep the tip pointed away from your body.