Useful tips

What is the main Questline in Morrowind?

What is the main Questline in Morrowind?

Report to Caius Cosades: Deliver a package to Caius Cosades in Balmora. Antabolis Informant: Trade an ancient artifact for an expert’s insight. Vivec Informants: Speak with three informants in Vivec about the Nerevarine Cult and the Sixth House. …

How long is the Morrowind main quest?

around 45 hours
Finishing The Main Quest of Every Elder Scrolls Game It can take around 45 hours for an average Morrowind run, from the player’s release in Seyda Neen to defeating Dagoth-Ur. Daggerfall’s main quest is closer to Skyrim’s in length, coming in at an average of 31 hours.

How old is Morrowind?

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind/Age

What are the main quests in the Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind?

The Spymaster. For other uses, see Main Quest. This page lists the main Quests that the Nerevarine can undertake in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind . Report to Caius Cosades – Deliver a package to Caius Cosades.

Where are all the quest givers in Morrowind?

All quest givers are located in Ebonheart ‘s Imperial Chapels . There are also a number of miscellaneous quests that can be undertaken in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. These can be found by exploring Vvardenfell, and talking to the many characters encountered.

Is it easy to get lost in Morrowind?

Morrowind is a difficult game where it’s easy to get lost. Use this to get a basic idea of where you are going and who you need to speak to. I provide maps, images, and what I feel are easy ways to get from quest start to quest completion. Play how you want to play, and use this as a reference.

Which is the best order to do the houses in Morrowind?

The exact order you do the Houses in is not important. To satisfy the Fifth Trial, travel to the four Ashlander Camps and have them recognize you as the Nerevarine. It is recommended to do the Urshilaku first, then the other three in any order. Note – The Fourth and Fifth Trials can be done in any order.