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What is the front page test?

What is the front page test?

The front page test entails asking yourself if you – as a reader of a newspaper – would agree with the decision you’re making based on it being printed on the front page of said newspaper. Listening to your intuition when it comes to ethical dilemmas usually yields the right decision.

What is the newspaper test?

The ‘newspaper test’ If a manager expresses uncertainty, Buffett says he asks them how they “would feel about any given action if they know it was to be written up the next day in their local newspaper.” And being the great leader that he is, Buffett says his managers can call him if they want to check on something.

What is the Blanchard and Peale method?

Blanchard & Peale suggest an Ethics Check – answering three questions when faced with an ethical problem. If the answer to any of the three questions is NEGATIVE, the decision should be the same.

What is the Golden Rule test?

The golden rule is best interpreted as saying: “Treat others only as you consent to being treated in the same situation.” To apply it, you’d imagine yourself on the receiving end of the action in the exact place of the other person (which includes having the other person’s likes and dislikes).

What is the test of one’s best self?

 Test of one’s best self: Assumes you hold yourself in high self esteem and would do nothing to endanger that personal perception of self.

What is the rips model?

RIPS Model for Ethi- cal Decision-Making. We suggest that the ethical decision-making process has four steps: (1) recog- nize and define the ethical issues, (2) reflect, (3) de- cide the right thing to do, and (4) implement, evalu- ate, re-assess.

What is Warren Buffett newspaper test?

The newspaper test “It’s pretty simple,” says Buffett. “If [your decision or action] passes that test, it’s okay. If anything is too close to the lines, it’s out.” Buffett’s newspaper test, if you pass it, can take you far because in business, if your reputation fails, game over.

Is Warren Buffett moral?

Buffett is not however, an ethical investor, which is to say, he does not consider the ethical principles of an investment per se and does not use ethics criteria as a filter for selecting companies in his portfolio.

What are the 3 ethical questions?

I’m interested in hearing about your experiences in handling ethical dilemmas….Blanchard and Peale suggest that leaders ask the following three questions when making a decision about an ethical problem:

  • Is it legal?
  • Is it balanced?
  • How will it make me feel about myself?

What are the three main questions in ethics?

The central questions raised in this course in ethics are (1) What is the nature of the life of excellence?, (2) What is the ultimate worth of the goals you seek?, and (3) What specific courses of conduct, in keeping with these goals, will help lead to the life of excellence? A.

What is the golden rule of Confucius?

And five centuries before Christ, Confucius set forth his own Golden Rule: “Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself.”

What should be on the front page of a newspaper?

The major story of the day will be placed in the most prominent position on the front page and will contain a large, bold-faced headline. The topic could be of a national scope or it might be a local story.

Why is the front page test so important?

The “front page” test is analytically useful because it encourages a public official to think about how his or her actions might look to the outside world. The front page test requires asking yourself: How would I feel if the course of action I am considering were reported on the front page of the local newspaper or blog?

How to do the front page ethics test?

The front page test requires asking yourself: How would I feel if the course of action I am considering were reported on the front page of the local newspaper or blog? For more information, see piece in box at right.

Why was the New York Times on the front page?

On Monday, the front page of the New York Times featured at story about financial firms adjusting the timing of bonuses in response to anticipated changes in tax laws. I mention this story not because of the particular ethical issues involved, but because it was featured on the front page of The Times.