What is meaning of stentorian?
What is meaning of stentorian?
loud, stentorian, earsplitting, raucous, strident mean marked by intensity or volume of sound. loud applies to any volume above normal and may suggest undue vehemence or obtrusiveness. loud shouts of protest stentorian implies great power and range.
Where does the word stentorian come from?
The adjective stentorian comes from Greek mythology. Stentor was a herald in the Trojan War, mentioned in Homer’s “Iliad.” Homer wrote of brazen-voiced Stentor, whose cry was as loud as that of fifty men together.
What does Stygian mean in Greek mythology?
Stygian comes to us (by way of Latin stygius and Greek stygios) from Styx, the name of the principal river in Hades, the underworld of the dead in Greek mythology. From there the meaning broadened to describe things that are as dark, dreary, and menacing as one might imagine Hades and the river Styx to be.
How do you use stentorian in a sentence?
Examples of ‘stentorian’ in a sentence stentorian
- Switching on his searchlight torch, he bellowed in a stentorian voice.
- His father’s voice, when it came, was not its usual stentorian self; no bark, no bite.
- She smiled kindly and then paced, taking on a stentorian air, as if she were the stiffest of schoolmarms.
What is a nonconformist?
Nonconformist, also called Dissenter or Free Churchman, any English Protestant who does not conform to the doctrines or practices of the established Church of England. Nonconformists are also called Dissenters (a word first used of the five Dissenting Brethren at the Westminster Assembly of Divines in 1643–47).
What does louche mean in English?
Louche ultimately comes from the Latin word luscus, meaning “blind in one eye or “having poor sight.” This Latin term gave rise to the French louche, meaning “squinting” or “cross-eyed.” The French gave their term a figurative sense as well, taking that squinty look to mean “shady” or “devious.” English speakers didn’t …
wHAT is Stygian darkness?
Definition: extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding. The “dark and gloomy” sense of stygian is a figurative one, as the original meaning of the word (which may also be found in capitalized form) was decidedly literal (“of or relating to the river Styx”).
Who is Tartarus?
Tartarus, the infernal regions of ancient Greek mythology. The name was originally used for the deepest region of the world, the lower of the two parts of the underworld, where the gods locked up their enemies. According to those accounts, Tartarus and Gaea produced the monster Typhon.
What is the meaning of vairagya?
Vairāgya (वैराग्य) is a Sanskrit term used in Hindu as well as Jain philosophy that roughly translates as dispassion, detachment, or renunciation, in particular renunciation from the pains and pleasures in the temporary material world.
What does annoyingly nonconformist mean?
? Post-College Level. noun. a person who refuses to conform, as to established customs, attitudes, or ideas. (often initial capital letter) a Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England; dissenter.
What is the origin of the word stentorian?
STENTORIAN Meaning: “of powerful voice,” c. 1600, from Stentor, legendary Greek herald in the Trojan War, whose voice… See definitions of stentorian. Advertisement stentorian (adj.) “of powerful voice,” c. 1600, from Stentor, legendary Greek herald in the Trojan War, whose voice (described in the “Iliad”) was as loud as 50 men.
What kind of voice is a stentorian voice?
very loud or powerful in sound: a stentorian voice.
Who was the stentorian in the Iliad?
In fact, in the Iliad, Homer described Stentor as a man whose voice was as loud as that of fifty men together. Stentor’s powerful voice made him a natural choice for delivering announcements and proclamations to the assembled Greek army during the Trojan War, and it also made his name a byword for any person with a loud, strong voice.
How does the adjective stentorian contrast with its synonyms?
How does the adjective stentorian contrast with its synonyms? Some common synonyms of stentorian are earsplitting, loud, raucous, and strident. While all these words mean “marked by intensity or volume of sound,” stentorian implies great power and range.