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What is maximum sustainable yield give an example?

What is maximum sustainable yield give an example?

The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for a given fish stock means the highest possible annual catch that can be sustained over time, by keeping the stock at the level producing maximum growth. The MSY refers to a hypothetical equilibrium state between the exploited population and the fishing activity.

What is an example of sustainable yield?

The term sustainable yield refers to the harvest of a specific (self-renewing) natural resource—for example, timber or fish. Such a yield is one that can in principle be maintained indefinitely because it can be supported by the regenerative capacities of the underlying natural system.

How do you find maximum sustainable yield?

If stock size is maintained at half its carrying capacity, the population growth rate is fastest, and sustainable yield is greatest (Maximum Sustainable Yield). K = unfished stock biomass at carrying capacity r = intrinsic rate of stock growth.

What factors influence maximum sustainable yield?

Maximum sustainable yield is highly variable, depending heavily on weather-influenced factors. Global warming affects maximum sustainable yield by altering the weather. A sixth of the Earth’s population depends on the sea for over a third of its animal protein (the world average is 16 percent).

What is minimum sustainable yield?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The sustainable yield of natural capital is the ecological yield that can be extracted without reducing the base of capital itself, i.e. the surplus required to maintain ecosystem services at the same or increasing level over time.

Why is sustainable yield difficult?

It may be very difficult to quantify sustainable yield, because every dynamic ecological conditions and other factors not related to harvesting induce changes and fluctuations in both, the natural capital and its productivity.

What does sustainable yield?

The sustainable yield of renewable natural resources is traditionally defined as the extraction level of the resource which does not exceed the growth. Context: The sustainable yield refers to total fellings and not only to timber removed for own consumption and use. …

Why is maximum sustainable yield?

Maximum sustainable yield (or MSY) is the maximum catch that can be extracted from a fish or other population in the long term. The TAC allows for fishing “just right” in the face of natural fluctuations of the environment, which induce natural fluctuations in the size of fish populations.

What is maximum sustainable yield ESS?

What is maximum sustainable yield? MSY is the largest yield that can be taken from the stock of species over an indefinite period of time. MSY aims to maintain the population size at the point of maximum growth rate by harvesting the individuals that would normally be added to the population.

How is maximum sustainable yield used in fishing?

Fishing is no exception. As scientists and managers have discussed how much fish can be safely taken out of the sea one concept has become a key tool for fisheries management: maximum sustainable yield (MSY). In order to participate in the debate about fishing limits, one needs to have an understanding of the basics of the MSY concept.

When does population reach a maximum sustainable yield?

The surplus in numbers and biomass produced for population growth can be caught sustainably and reaches a maximum (MSY) at intermediate population size.

How is maximum sustainable yield ( MSY ) measured?

It is measured in tonnes. MSY: Maximum sustainable yield is, theoretically, the largest yield (catch) that can be taken from a specific fish stock over an indefinite period under constant environmental conditions. It is measured in tonnes.

What is the maximum number of people that can be harvested in a sustainable way?

If more individuals than this are removed from the population, the population is at risk for decline to extinction. The maximum number that can be harvested in a sustainable manner, called the maximum sustainable yield, is given by this maximum point. Figure 3 also shows several possible values for the harvesting rate, H.