What is informed choice in maternity?
What is informed choice in maternity?
Emerging models of maternity care There are many definitions of informed choice; it is generally seen as a choice that is based on availability of relevant and balanced information.
What is the definition of informed choice?
Informed choice means that patients and families make decisions that are consistent with their goals and values. Too often clinicians make incorrect assumptions about what patients want and advise them to have treatments that patients would refuse if they were fully informed and empowered.
What is informed consent midwifery?
Obtaining consent is a legal and ethical necessity prior to midwifery care provision. In law, a midwife must obtain consent from a woman before any touch- ing can occur. To be valid, that consent must be full, given voluntarily and the woman giving consent must be reasonably informed about the treatment and its risks.
How does informed choice relate to midwifery care?
The midwifery model of care and the process of informed choice demonstrate an applied form of relational autonomy. Midwives aim to extend a women’s sense of self- trust and empower her through the decision-making process. Shifting beyond the consent paradigm of the medical model, autonomy is respected in a fuller sense. iii
What is the role of autonomy in midwifery?
Autonomy is thus a process, developed and augmented through the acquisition of a series of skills. The midwifery model of care and the process of informed choice demonstrate an applied form of relational autonomy. Midwives aim to extend a women’s sense of self- trust and empower her through the decision-making process.
Which is the best definition of informed choice?
Definition of Informed choice Informed choice means making a decision based on adequate information. As appropriate, such information may include consideration regarding providers, methods, costs, duration, accessibility, customer satisfaction, probabilities, sources and consequences;
Can a woman make a fully informed choice?
It is often easier to limit the choices offered to women to those midwives feel most comfortable with, but, as Jean Walker argues, surely this takes away any real chance the woman has of making a fully informed choice about the care she receives.