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What is Act 3 Scene 4 in Othello?

What is Act 3 Scene 4 in Othello?

Desdemona chats with the clown and asks him to bring a message to Cassio that he should come visit her. She wants the clown to make it clear that she’s been good to her word about asking Othello for Cassio’s reinstatement. She hopes all will be well.

What is the purpose of the clown in Othello Act 3 Scene 4?

The Clown provides some contrasting comic relief, taking words only at face value, and this little diversion covers the plot move where Desdemona sends for Cassio. Desdemona has an underlying worry, the loss of the handkerchief, but Emilia, who does know what happened, does not tell her.

What happens in Scene 4 of Othello?

Iago continues to use his words as weapons to break down Othello. His psychological torture is too much for Othello and he falls into a trance (he has a seizure). Iago tells Othello to hide while he talks to Cassio and gets him to admit he is having an affair with Desdemona.

Can you inquire him out and be edified by report?

I don’t know where he’s staying, so if I told you he’s sleeping here or there, I’d be lying. Can you inquire him out and be edified by report? Can you ask around and find out? 10I will catechize the world for him, that is, make questions, and by them answer.

What happens in Act 3 Scene 4 of Othello?

Othello Act 3, scene 4 Summary & Analysis. Under Othello’s pressure, the typically honest Desdemona is herself forced to equivocate. Bringing up Cassio in good faith, she plays right into Iago’s hands. Emilia, who is less idealistic and more worldly than Desdemona, immediately understands that Othello’s behavior stems from jealousy.

Why is Desdemona looking for Cassio in Act 3?

In a complete shift of dramatic mood after the preceding scene, Desdemona has a witty exchange with the clown last encountered in Act 3 Scene 1. She is looking for Cassio, but is also concerned that she has lost the handkerchief which Othello gave her. When Othello arrives, she again pleads Cassio’s cause whilst Othello asks after the handkerchief.

What happens in Scene 4 of Act III?

Act III: Scene 4. Summary. Desdemona sends for Cassio to tell him that she has spoken with Othello; she is also worried that she has lost her handkerchief. When Othello enters, he claims a headache and asks her for a handkerchief to bind his head, but he will have only the embroidered strawberry handkerchief.

What was Desdemona’s view of Othello in Scene 4?

Desdemona’s straightforward trust contrasts with Othello’s sulky suspicion. Emilia’s view of jealousy as a natural characteristic of irrational men contrasts with Othello’s real personal sufferings of the previous scene. Desdemona and Emilia discuss possible reasons for Othello’s bad mood and suspend judgment for lack of sure evidence.