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What is a motor kVA code?

What is a motor kVA code?

A letter code defines the locked rotor current kVA on a per horsepower basis. The letter code consists of letters from A to V. The farther away from the letter code A, the higher the inrush current per horsepower.

What is motor code?

On larger motors, it identifies the locked-rotor kVA per horsepower. Generally, the farther a code letter is from A, the higher the inrush current per horsepower. This is important because a replacement motor with a higher code letter may require different upstream electrical equipment—such as a larger motor starter.

How many kW is a motor?

Three Phase Motors

0.75 kW 1 3.2
1.1 kW 1.5 4.5
1.5 kW 2 5.8
2.2 kW 3 8.7

How do you calculate kVA lock rotor?

To find LRA and starting kVA enter nominal operation voltage (such as 120 or 240), HP value, code letter from the nameplate label, and hit “Calculate” button. The general equation for single-phase devices is the following: LRA=1000*(kVA/HP)/Voltage. Note that this defines starting current at full nominal voltage.

What does the KVA code on a motor mean?

Motors KVA code is represented on the name plate on form of letters referring to starting kVA of the motor. The letters indicate the killo Volt Ampere that is drawn by the motor when its rotor is locked reported in kVA / HP. Code letters are ranged from A to V, Code V motors have highest starting kVA value while Code A motors have lowest.

What are the Code Letters for electrical motors?

Locked rotor indicating code letters electrical motors Sponsored Links NEMA – The National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association- who sets the design standards for motors, has established a NEMA Code letter designation to classify motors by the ratio of locked rotor kVA per horsepower.

How to calculate the locked rotor kVA per horsepower?

Letter Code. A letter code defines the locked rotor current kVA on a per horsepower basis. The letter code consists of letters from A to V. The farther away from the letter code A, the higher the inrush current per horsepower.

What is the KVA for three phase AC motors?

NEMA Locked Rotor KVA for Three-phase AC Motors NEMA Code Letter Locked Rotor KVA/HP A 0 – 3.15 B 3.15 – 3.55 C 3.55 – 4.0 D 4.0 – 4.5