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What does it mean when someone says they are frustrated?

What does it mean when someone says they are frustrated?

Frustrated is an adjective that describes feeling disappointed and unsuccessful. If you are constantly frustrated, it can build up into anger or bitterness. People sometimes need to vent, or express themselves, when they are very frustrated, in order to let it go.

How do you use frustration in a sentence?

Frustration sentence example

  1. I’m sure he could read the frustration in my voice.
  2. The frustration in his voice was clear.
  3. He felt her frustration , sorrow, and fear.
  4. Maybe that was behind her frustration lately.
  5. Tears of frustration blurred his vision.

What is frustration with example?

Frustrated is defined as to have prevented someone from accomplishing something or annoyed someone. An example of to have frustrated someone is to have continuously bothered the person while she was doing her homework. verb.

How do you express frustration in words?

synonyms for frustration

  1. annoyance.
  2. dissatisfaction.
  3. failure.
  4. grievance.
  5. irritation.
  6. resentment.
  7. blow.
  8. chagrin.

What does the name frustration mean?

Frustration: something that is a source of irritation. Synonyms: aggravation, aggro, annoyance… Antonyms: content, contentedness, contentment… Find the right word.

What is the definition of frustration?

English Language Learners Definition of frustration : a feeling of anger or annoyance caused by being unable to do something : the state of being frustrated : something that causes feelings of anger and annoyance : the fact of being prevented from succeeding or doing something

What is your frustration?

The definition of frustration is the feeling of irritability or anger because of the inability to achieve something. Being in a constant state of frustration can lead to many problems in your life.

Is frustration a noun?

• FRUSTRATION (noun) The noun FRUSTRATION has 3 senses: 1. the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals. 2. an act of hindering someone’s plans or efforts. 3. a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized. Familiarity information: FRUSTRATION used as a noun is uncommon.