Useful tips

What does FTG NEAN?

What does FTG NEAN?

What is FTG? FTG is a simple acronym for FUCK the Giants. Enter this pefect acronym, FTG.

What does FTG mean French?

FTG stands for Ferme Ta Gueule (French: Shut Up)

What does FTS stand for?


Acronym Definition
FTS Full-Time Support
FTS Flight Termination System
FTS Financial Tracking System
FTS Federal Telecommunications System

What does FTG mean in gaming?

FTG stands for For the Game.

What is TG in French?

TG, short for Ta gueule = “Shut up.” Use with caution.

What is FTS California?

FTS is a batch number allotted to CA students as they register themselves to ICAP. There is no way to change it. Its importance? It is not just a number, it is used as a base on which big 4 firms draft their criteria while hiring trainees.

What does TG mean?

Acronym Definition
TG Thank God
TG That’s Good
TG That Guy
TG Thanksgiving

What FTW mean?

For The Win
For The Win was used originally used in cricket but feel free to use the acronym whenever you get your winner on.

What does FTG stand for in social networking?

In sum, FTG is an acronym or abbreviation word that is defined in simple language. This page illustrates how FTG is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat.

What does FTG stand for in aerospace category?

FTG is an aerospace and defense electronics product and subsystem supplier to customers around the globe.

What does follow the Greens ( FTG ) stand for?

Performed at Frankfurt Airport over five days in late June, the innovative ‘Follow The Greens’ ( FTG) runway lighting simulations were conducted to help speed up the taxiing procedure of aircraft to and from the runway system, making the process much more efficient.

Can a normal guy turn into a FTG?

The act of never being in favor of anything that your bros want to do. It is rumored that if you’re FTG for too long, you will turn into a girl. Normal guy: Dude my ex is such a bitch!