What does CPT code 83516 mean?
What does CPT code 83516 mean?
Immunoassay for analyte
CPT Code 83516-QW: Immunoassay for analyte other than infectious agent antibody or infectious agent antigen, qualitative or semiquantitative, multiple step method.
Does Medicare pay for venipuncture?
Physician-Performed Venipuncture If a venipuncture performed in the office setting requires the skill of a physician for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, the performing physician can bill Medicare both for the collection – using CPT code 36410 – and for the lab work performed in-office.
What is procedure code 86255?
CPT® 86255, Under Qualitative or Semiquantitative Immunoassays. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 86255 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Qualitative or Semiquantitative Immunoassays.
What is QW modifier?
A. Medicare uses modifier QW to indicate that a test is CLIA-waived and the reporting physician’s practice has a CLIA certificate that allows the physician to perform and report CLIA-waived tests.
What does medical code 82570 stand for?
CPT ® Code Set. 82570 – CPT® Code in category: Creatinine. CPT Code information is available to subscribers and includes the CPT code number, short description, long description, guidelines and more. CPT code information is copyright by the AMA. Access to this feature is available in the following products:
What is medical code 82550?
CPT 82550, Under Chemistry Procedures. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 82550 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Chemistry Procedures.
What is CPT 83883?
The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 83883 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Chemistry Procedures.