Useful tips

Is there a limit to Kickstarter?

Is there a limit to Kickstarter?

The maximum amount you can pledge to a project is: US-based projects: $10,000.

Can I extend my Kickstarter campaign?

When a project ends, the “Campaign” tab (the page with the project’s description, rewards, and funding details) is preserved and no further edits can be made. If there is new information you would like to share with your backers, we encourage you to post a project update.

How long is the average Kickstarter video?

We recommend you keep your Kickstarter video length around 1-3 minutes. Most videos will be able to fit in this time frame. If you really need more time for your sales pitch, go ahead and take it. However, don’t put in extra fluff just to make your video longer.

How long can a project last on Kickstarter?

Projects on Kickstarter can last anywhere from 1 – 60 days. We’ve done some research, and found that projects lasting any longer are rarely successful. We recommend setting your campaign at 30 days or less. Campaigns with shorter durations have higher success rates, and create a helpful sense of urgency around your project.

How big can an image be on Kickstarter?

Here is the list of all Kickstarter and Indiegogo text, image, and video guidelines: Project Image — JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP, 50MB max, 1024×576 pixels Project Video — MOV, MPEG, AVI, MP4, 3GP, WMV, or FLV — 5GB max Profile Photo — JPEG, PNG, GIF, or MBP, 60MB max

What’s the best way to start a Kickstarter project?

We encourage you to browse through our Kickstarter Resources Compendium and Creator Handbook for tips on structuring and running your project, as well as a thorough list of resources we’ve made available for our creators. Make sure you take a minute to check Our Rules too.

How many characters in a Kickstarter project title?

Kickstarter Project Title — 60 characters Project Title — 50 characters As you can see, Indiegogo is the stricter of the two, and for text we recommend adhering to the stricter Indiegogo guidelines.