Useful tips

Is stenosis of the neck serious?

Is stenosis of the neck serious?

Cervical spinal stenosis can potentially cause serious problems with the nervous system, including problems with bowel or bladder control (incontinence) and permanent loss of strength and feeling in the arms, hands, legs, and chest.

What are the symptoms of stenosis in the neck?

Symptoms of neck (cervical) spinal stenosis include:

  • Neck pain.
  • Numbness or tingling in the arm, hand, leg or foot.
  • Weakness or clumsiness in the arm, hand, leg or foot.
  • Problems with balance.
  • Loss of function in hands, like having problems writing or buttoning shirts.
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control (in severe cases).

Can stenosis in the neck be reversed?

While spinal stenosis can’t be reversed, treatment is available to address your pain.

What can happens if cervical spinal stenosis is left untreated?

It occurs from spinal stenosis that causes pressure on the spinal cord. If untreated, this can lead to significant and permanent nerve damage including paralysis and death. Symptoms may affect your gait and balance, dexterity, grip strength and bowel or bladder function.

What can you do for neck stenosis?

Over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), naproxen (Aleve, others) and acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) can help reduce pain and inflammation. Applying hot or cold packs. Some symptoms of cervical spinal stenosis may be relieved by applying heat or ice to your neck.

Does spinal stenosis affect the neck?

Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the lower back and the neck. Some people with spinal stenosis may not have symptoms. Others may experience pain, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness. Symptoms can worsen over time.

When should you have surgery for cervical spinal stenosis?

Surgery for cervical stenosis with myelopathy is considered successful if the spinal cord can be decompressed, preventing symptoms from worsening. In addition, the hope is that at least some symptoms will be reduced or go away completely as the spinal cord has space to heal.

Will spinal stenosis cripple you?

When spinal stenosis compresses the spinal cord in the neck, symptoms can be much more serious, including crippling muscle weakness in the arms and legs or even paralysis.

What should I avoid with spinal stenosis?

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

  • Avoid Excessive Back Extension.
  • Avoid Long Walks or Running.
  • Avoid Certain Stretches and Poses.
  • Avoid Loading a Rounded Back.
  • Avoid Too Much Bed Rest.
  • Avoid Contact Sports.
  • Consult a Physical Therapist.
  • Strengthen the Core and Hips.

What does it mean if you have stenosis in your neck?

Cervical spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal and/or the spinal nerve root passages in your neck.

When does too much narrowing lead to cervical stenosis?

When too much narrowing leads to spinal nerve compression and/or inflammation, symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness, and/or weakness may radiate from the neck into the arm. Learn about cervical spinal stenosis symptoms and causes. Watch: Cervical Spinal Stenosis Video

What causes narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck?

Cervical spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck. The spinal canal is the open area in the bones ( vertebrae) that make up the spinal column. The spinal cord is a collection of nerves that runs through the spinal canal from the base of the brain to the lower back.

How can you tell if you have cervical stenosis?

Symptoms of cervical stenosis are related to abnormal compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. Neck pain, pain in one or both arms, and an electrical sensation that shoots down the back when the head moves are common painful sensations in patients with spinal stenosis.