Useful tips

Is GT a good BMX brand?

Is GT a good BMX brand?

GT Air 20 BMX Bike Are you looking for one of the coolest BMX bikes that offer you great street riding experiences? GT Air not only provides you that but also gives you bright and attractive colors. Furthermore, it is the best BMX bike under 500.

What model is my GT BMX?

GT serial numbers are usually found stamped on the bottom of the bottom bracket of your BMX. This is not always the case and there will be some bikes that do not fit into this formula.

What does GT stand for in BMX?

GT standing for the initials of its founder, Gary Turner. Richard sold his bike shop and began selling frames as fast as possible to bicycle distributors across the USA and into Europe.

What makes a BMX bike a GT bike?

BMX was the foundation for the GT empire. It was our foray into bikes, and drove the passion we are lucky enough to follow every day. The current GT BMX Lineup is designed to fuel your fire and get you stoked on going bigger, faster, and further. Grid List.

When did GT Bicycles start making their bikes?

Since 1972 GT Bicycles has proudly been developing bikes, for every type of rider, with a consistent mission. That mission is the same reason everybody throws a leg over their very first bike – pure fun, plain and simple.

When did GT Bicycles buy Dyno BMX accessories?

In 1985 GT bought BMX accessories and apparel company Dyno. Bob Morales said “GT Bicycles made an offer to buy Dyno. I accepted their offer because Dyno was severely under-capitalized and in need of investment.

Who are the members of the GT bike racing team?

As well as the manufacturing of bicycles, GT Bikes sponsored several teams competing in BMX, mountain and road competitions. GT Factory Racing Team… There are six riders on the BMX Race Team: Riley O’Neil, Luke Madill, Joey Bradford, Eric Rupe and Arielle Martin (Verhaaren), which compete in competitions held globally.