How do I work out my right for CommSec?
How do I work out my right for CommSec?
To exercise an Equity Options contract, you need to notify CommSec prior to 4.20pm Sydney time for it to be exercised on that day. We will only accept verbal instructions to exercise the contract. CommSec will then notify ASX Clear who will randomly determine which writer will be allocated to the trade.
Is CommSec too expensive?
Commsec fees are more expensive than the discount online brokers, but offer more features. If you have less than $3000 to invest at a time, you may want to look at Commsec Pocket. You can invest up to $1000 at a time, for $2 brokerage, again without paying management or inactivity fees.
How much do you need to invest with CommSec?
CommSec has a minimum investment amount of $500 and a brokerage fee of $29.95 per trade, compared to the $50 minimum of Pocket and $2 brokerage fee.
What percentage does CommSec take?
You will need to pay a brokerage fee of $65 per trade up to $10,000 or 0.66% of the value of the trade if it is greater than $10,000, which will be deducted from the profits of the trade.
Does CommSec do options?
Integrated Options trading A CommSec Options Account allows you to trade Options just as easily as you trade shares. It’s designed to be used with your other CommSec accounts, including a CommSec Margin Loan, to create a range of investment strategies across your portfolio, from the simple to the sophisticated.
How good is CommSec?
Final verdict. CommSec Pocket was simple and fairly enjoyable to use. It offers new investors an easy way to start saving and getting involved in the share market. However, it pays to work out how often you plan to invest per year, what your fees will be and how much that will impact your investments.
Can I day trade on CommSec?
Is CommSec a good broker for day trading? CommSec is a top broker in Australia and offers a range of assets for day trading including shares, options, ETFs, and warrants.
Can you lose money on CommSec?
The biggest risk of investing in shares is that you could lose some or all of your money. Set the bar unrealistically high and you’ll need to take on more risk and open yourself up to higher potential losses.
Does CommSec allow short selling?
Can I short sell with CommSec? No. Although you can’t short sell stock through a CommSec Share Trading Account, you may be able to establish a short exposure to a stock by using Exchange Traded Options (ETOs) or Warrants*.
Can I buy US stocks through CommSec?
CommSec has a partnership with Pershing LLC, a subsidiary of the Bank of New York Mellon, that provides you access to trade on US and non-US markets (including access to Exchange-Traded Funds – ETFs) through CommSec. Login to your CommSec Account.
Is CommSec Pocket good for beginners?
How to start a CommSec account in Australia?
CommSec’s services include online investing, margin lending, cash management, SMSF and managed funds. Visit or call 13 15 19. Client IDForgot? PasswordForgot? LOGIN Home page Watchlists Manage orders Holdings Community CommsecIRESS International Remember Client ID CLOSE New to investing? Start small with CommSec Pocket.
How much does it cost to use CommSec per month?
Other Fees. A royalty and software fee charged for clients who use our trading platform at a maximum of AUD$40.70 per month (inc. An ASX royalty fee charged at 2.53 cents per minute between 9.30 am and 5.00 pm on weekdays, up to a maximum of AUD$41.25 per month (inc. GST) for live ASX equity prices.
When to contact CommSec for margin loan rates?
CommSec provides you with a suite of tools and information to help you effectively manage risks and maximise your returns. Enter your applicable margin lending fixed interest rate. If you’re not sure of your available rates, contact our Margin Loan specialists on 13 17 09 (+61 2 9115 1402), between 8am and 6pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday.
What kind of options can I trade with CommSec?
With a CommSec Share Trading Account, you’ve got everything you need to invest with confidence. Borrowing to invest with a CommSec Margin Loan gives you automatic access to our award-winning trading platform. You can trade Options just as easily as you trade shares.