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How do I find my vmware network driver version?

How do I find my vmware network driver version?

Run the esxcli network nic get command specifying the name of the NIC necessary. Under Driver Info, we can determine the driver type, driver version, and firmware version. NOTE – General network adapter information can also be viewed from the VMware vSphere Client.

How do I find the Qlogic driver version in ESXi?

Hello, as you probably know the only way to find out about HBA firmware and driver versions these days is by running:

  1. /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmgmt_keyval/vmkmgmt_keyval -d to see which are the HBA devices, then.
  2. /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmgmt_keyval/vmkmgmt_keyval -l -i vmhba1/qlogic to actually retrieve the needed info for a hba.

How do I check my Vmhba driver version?

The output of the cmd will show you the installed hba firemware & driver version. To check the information when legacy driver is being in use. Go to /proc/scsi directory and look for lpfc (for emulex) or qla (for qlogic) or bfa (for brocade and sometime for qlogic as well).

How can I check my vmware HBA card status?

2. How to find HBA WWN via ESXi Shell / CLI:

  1. Connect to ESXi shell either via putty/SSH or DCUI (Direct Console User Interface) / server console.
  2. Run ‘ls /proc/scsi/’ and check the folder names:
  3. Look for a folder like ‘qla2xxx’ – QLogic HBA, ‘lpfc820’ – Emulex HBA, ‘bnx2i” – Brocade HBA;
  4. Run ‘ls /proc/scsi/qla2xxx’.

How do I find my NIC firmware?

Verify which NIC you need to know the firmware (ie.: eth0, eth1 etc). run the following command: sudo ethtool -i ethX (x being the number of the eth that you need to know the firmware).

How do I check my Vmnic status?

Check the current status of the vmnic from either the VMware vSphere Client or the ESXi service console:

  1. To check the status from the vSphere Client: Select the ESX host and click the Configuration tab. Click Networking.
  2. To check the status from the ESXi service console, run this command: esxcli network nic list.

How do I check my ESXi driver version?

To determine the version information for a physical network interface card in vSphere ESXi:

  1. Open a console to the ESXi host.
  2. Obtain a list of network interface cards and names.
  3. Run this command to display available information for one of the network interfaces, specifying its name from step 2:

How do I check my ESXi drivers?

To determine which drivers are installed:

  1. In ESXi 5.x, run this command: esxcli software vib list | less.
  2. In ESXi 4.x, run this command: esxupdate query –vib-view | less.

How do I check my ESXi Driver version?

How do I check my ESXi firmware?

Run the esxcfg-info command through SSH to find the host information. You can also use the dmidecode command on an ESX classic host and the smbiosDump command on an ESXi host to find the BIOS information.

How do I find my NIC model in Linux?

You can use any one of the below methods to check for the NIC cards in your linux box:

  1. lspci command : List all PCI devices.
  2. lshw command : List all hardware.
  3. dmidecode command : List all hardware data from BIOS.
  4. ifconfig command : Outdated network config utility.
  5. ip command : Recommended new network config utility.

What do I need to know about the QLogic driver?

This driver package contains the VMware ESXi 5.0/5.1 Host-Profiles plug-in. This driver package includes the installation script, storage (FC/FCoE) and networking (Ethernet) drivers, Command line Utility (BCU), HCM Agent, and APIs. This driver package contains the VMware ESXi 5.0/5.1 BCU – ESX CLI plug-in.

How to update VMware firmware for QLogic adapters?

For a specific list of QLogic adapters supported in VMware ESX/ESXi, please visit and click on the IO Devices tab. Adapter firmware. You can update the firmware using the following applications:

How to check VMware firmware and driver version?

Search the VMware Compatibility Guide for the Vendor ID (VID), Device ID (DID), Sub-Vendor ID (SVID), and Sub-Device ID (SDID). In some cases, you may need to do a text search to narrow down the particular card. Open a console to the ESXi host. For more information, see Unable to connect to an ESX host using Secure Shell (SSH) (1003807).

How to download QLogic multi boot code image?

Download the Multi-Boot Code Image to update the BIOS on the adapter on x86, IEM64T, or AMD64 platforms. The image can be flashed using either the BCU or HCM on systems running v1.1+ of the drivers. A LiveCD is also available for x86, IEM64T, and AMD64 platforms, which contains a bootable Linux shell, drivers, BCU, and the Multi-Boot Code Image.