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How do I declare a string array in Excel VBA?

How do I declare a string array in Excel VBA?

  1. That’s because you should be adding parentheses at the end of myarray. The parentheses lets VBA know that it’s an array.
  2. you have to declare the bounderies of the array. Either a dynamic Array : Dim MyArray() as String , or a fixed size Array : Dim MyArray(1 to 10) as String . –

How do I use an array in Excel VBA?

Array Function

  1. First, create a variable named departments of type Variant.
  2. Use the Array Function to assign an array to the variable departments.
  3. To show the element with index 1, add the following code line:
  4. Add Option Base 1 to the General Declarations section if you want the index to start from 1.

How do I initialize a string in VBA?

To initialize a string variable, place the string value within double quotes. : String « Data Type « VBA / Excel / Access / Word. To initialize a string variable, place the string value within double quotes.

What is an array in Excel VBA?

An array is a single variable with many compartments to store values, while a typical variable has only one storage compartment in which it can store only one value. Refer to the array as a whole when you want to refer to all the values it holds, or you can refer to its individual elements.

How do I create an array in VBA?

Declare the variable as ” ArrayList.” Code: Sub ArrayList_Example1 () Dim ArrayValues As ArrayList End Sub Since the Array List is an object, we need to create a new instance. Now, we can keep storing values to the array variable by using the “Add” method. In the below image, I have added three values.

What is the size of an array in VBA?

To get the size of an array in Excel VBA, you can use the UBound and LBound functions. Place a command button on your worksheet and add the following code lines: 1. First, we need to declare the array. Our array has two dimensions. It consists of 5 rows and 2 columns. Also declare two variables of type Integer. The array may look like this.

What is an array in VBA?

Arrays in Excel VBA. An array is like a table that contains elements of the same data type. By using an array as a variable you can avoid declaring a lot of variables. Instead you collect them in one place, your array, and then you can look them up, when you need to read or write a value.

How do I use arrays in Excel?

Array formulas can be used in two types: If we want to return a single value, use these formulas in a single cell as in example 1. If we want to return more than one value, use these formulas in Excel by selecting the range of cells as in example 2. Press CTRL + Shift + Enter to make an array formula.