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How do I cite an online dictionary in MLA?

How do I cite an online dictionary in MLA?

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Entry.” Title of Encyclopedia or Dictionary, Publication or Update Date, URL. Accessed Day Month Year site was visited.

How do you cite online dictionary in APA?

To cite a dictionary definition in APA Style, start with the author of the dictionary (usually an organization), followed by the publication year, the word you’re citing, the dictionary name, the publisher (if not already listed as author), and the URL.

Do you have to cite an online dictionary?

If your text includes a word’s definition from an online dictionary, your reference list citation should include the name of the source as well as the retrieval information for the entry. Unlike most American Psychological Association style citations, dictionaries do not require author information.

How do you cite Google dictionary?

A reference for a dictionary would be: Organization Name. (date). Title of dictionary [in italics], Retrieved date, from [URL] [for online dictionaries] or place of publishing followed by a period and URL if retrieved from a URL.

How do you cite a dictionary definition?

To cite a dictionary definition in APA style, start with the word you’re citing, followed by the publication year, the dictionary name, and the publisher or URL. If there is no publication date, replace it with “n.d.” (“no date”).

How do you cite the Oxford dictionary in APA in-text?

(date). Title of dictionary [in italics], Retrieved date, from [URL] [for online dictionaries] or place of publishing followed by a period and URL if retrieved from a URL.

How do you cite an online dictionary in APA 7?

Online stable or archived version: Author A. A. (Date). Title of entry. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Name of dictionary/encyclopedia. URL.

Do I need to cite Google Dictionary?

They cite no references and don’t need to (just like other dictionaries). So long as the definition it gives is copied into the answer (as all such references should) then any volatility of Google’s dictionary is hardly an issue (the definition at the time of writing was shown).

What a work Cited page should look like?

According to MLA format guidelines, the Works Cited page(s) should look like this: Running head containing your surname and the page number. The title, Works Cited, centered and in plain text. List of sources alphabetized by the author’s surname.

Can a dictionary be cited as an author?

Many online dictionaries do not have a published date, or an indicated individual author. Here’s what you do: If not individual author is indicated, the article/webpage publisher is the both the author and publisher. Cite the organization as the author and leave out the publisher information.

How to cite Merriam-Webster dictionary and other online sources?

A citation of any online dictionary or thesaurus should include the following information: headword of the entry cited (in quotes) title of the source (in italics) date the dictionary or thesaurus was published, posted, or revised (Use the copyright date noted at the bottom of this and every page of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.)

How to cite an online dictionary in APA format?

To cite an online dictionary in your reference list, you will need the name (word you are defining) and URL of the definition you’re citing, the year the web page was updated and the name of the dictionary. Arrange this information as follows: Definition title. (Year). Name of dictionary. See the following example: Coffee.

Where does the headword go in a dictionary citation?

The entry or headword occupies the “title of the source” element in a dictionary citation. In this case, the headword is usually the first element of the Works Cited list entry for all dictionary sources because dictionaries do not have authors in most cases.