Useful tips

Do you have to pay for a Richmond card?

Do you have to pay for a Richmond card?

Parking is free for stays of up to 30 minutes. If you need to park for longer then you will need to pay for the entire stay. If you go over the 30 minutes, you may be likely to receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). Paid sessions within the locked period are possible and discounts will be applied to any paid session.

Can you park for free in Richmond?

Pay and display parking is free in most part of Richmond on Sundays and bank holidays, however, be sure to check local signs for any restrictions in place. For all-day parking in Richmond or monthly parking in Richmond, you can rest assured you’ll find a desirable solution on our Richmond parking map online.

Is Richmond upon Thames a rich area?

Richmond is undoubtedly one of the wealthiest boroughs in London. Only 11 per cent of employees earn less than the living wage here – the joint lowest percentage in London. The poverty rate is 15%, the lowest in London.

How much is a parking permit in Twickenham?

Resident visitor permits cost £12 per book of ten half-day permits. These are half price to the over 60s.

Can you get free parking with a Richmond card?

If you live in the Borough and hold a Richmond Card, you can get 30 minutes free parking in our: You can only park for a single session for a period of up to 30 minutes. If you wish to park for longer you must pay for the total duration of your stay, but as a resident you will receive a 10% discount (or 20% discount if you over the age of 75).

What can I do with my Richmond card?

Using your card Your Richmond Card can be used for either 30 minutes free parking ORdiscounted resident parking. The discounts cannot be used in conjunction with each other. You will need to decide which discount you want to use when you use the parking machine. The table below gives detailed instructions on how to get discounted resident parking.

How long can you Park in London Borough of Richmond?

You can only park for a single session for a period of up to 30 minutes. If you wish to park for longer you must pay for the total duration of your stay, but as a resident you will receive a 10% discount (or 20% discount if you over the age of 75).

How long can you Park in Richmond car tax band?

Car Tax Band A vehicle. If you live in the Borough and hold a Richmond Card, you can get 30 minutes free parking in our: You can only park for a single session for a period of up to 30 minutes.