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Can you save the French president in Black Ops 2?

Can you save the French president in Black Ops 2?

Much like the first two missions, the story action report will list saving the president as a feat that you performed, however, there’s no way not to. If you do not protect the President during the assault on the freeway, the game will end with an objective failure.

Who is the president in Black Ops 2?

Marion Bosworth
Marion Bosworth, the President of the United States of America as of 2025, appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

Is Cordis Die real?

Not to long ago, and it says “Come my friends, tis not to late to start a newer world.” Now remember, Treyarch makes these channels for the CoD community, so they can post information so you can figure out the campaign. make this channel grow.

What is Cordis Die in Black Ops 2?

Cordis Die is a populist revolutionary movement and the main antagonistic faction in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Strike Team. It is led by Raul Menendez.

Which Black Ops 2 ending is canon?

The only call back in BO3 to BO2 is about Menendez and his drone strike on L.A., kinda leaves it up to the players ending from BO2 to make that decision. All the choices that gain achievments are the canon choices. This results in the ending where Menendez burns himself.

What presidents have been in Call of Duty?

President of the United States

  • John F.
  • President of the United States (Modern Warfare 3) – The President in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Marion Bosworth – The President of the U.S in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
  • President of the United States (Extinction) – The President in Extinction mode of Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Is Hudson the CIA mole?

However, he only did so to protect David Mason from Menendez. Hudson is then killed later in the mission by Menendez. SO this rules out Hudson as the mole. Later in the mission “Odysseus”, Javier Salazer is shown to have been working with Menendez, like a mole.

Which BO2 ending is canon?

The biggest thing to take from this is Mason killing Menendez is the canon ending. This means that Cordis Die uprises (the only way they wouldn’t is if you captured Menendez and kept Chloe alive I think), so that should probably a little into BO3 narrative.

How to kill drones in Call of Duty Black Ops 2?

Gather as many drones in the targeting bracket as possible, then let loose with those Macross missiles and watch the sky burn. Track and kill the drone groups as they buzz your position; the secret service agent will tell Mason to leave once enough drones are killed for the security personnel to move President Bosworth.

What does the fa-38 do in Black Ops 2?

Once the enemy drones start pursuing your craft, you go into fighter plane mode and constantly move forward at modest speed. The FA-38 has infinite SHO rt RAN ge missiles and Skybuster missiles (creates a chain of explosives that take out multiple enemies) as well as infinite shells for its cannon.

What are the easiest challenges in Black Ops 2?

The five “easiest” challenges are highlighted if you only wish to unlock the perks and weapons in campaign mode. 100% Impact ratio with the SAM system on the wrecked highway. For this, Mason has to wait for all the circles to turn solid before firing and not missing with a single missile. Do 10 headshot sniper kills from the upper freeway.

Where to rescue SSA soldiers in Black Ops 2?

Rescue trapped SSA in the damaged vehicle. This requires the Access Kit; the truck with the SSA soldiers is just before entering the shopping plaza. Destroy 30 enemy drones with the SAM on roof. This requires the Access Kit. Inside the shopping mall, there are stairs that lead to a SAM turret where you can engage enemy drones.