Users' questions

Why is Lord vetinari played by a woman?

Why is Lord vetinari played by a woman?

they changed the character’s gender for political reasons. They want to bate people into saying that they arent happy with their favourite characters being destroyed so they can turn around and call you a sexist racist biggot or something.

Is Lord vetinari a woman?

Whereas the Havelock Vetinari of the Discworld novels is male, Lord Vetinari on The Watch is female. Despite this, characters sometimes refer to her using male pronouns, suggesting that the character might be gender-fluid. Her full name is revealed as “Havelock Vetinari” in the episode “Not on My Watch.”

How old is Lord vetinari?

Havelock Vetinari

File:Awakening.jpg Havelock Vetinari as drawn by Tealin
Race Human (as far as anyone can tell)
Age about 50
Occupation Patrician, ex-Assassin

Is Lord vetinari human?

It has been suggested that Vetinari may not be entirely human, though this is primarily because of his methods and personality, as opposed to any sort of physical proof.

Who is Lord Havelock Vetinari in Discworld?

(August 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Lord Havelock Vetinari, Lord Patrician ( Primus inter pares) of the city-state of Ankh-Morpork, is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett ‘s Discworld series, a series of forty-one books describing a parallel universe whose main world has reflections of our Earth.

Who are the people who like Lord Vetinari?

Ironfoundersson is noted by Vimes to be one of the few people who actually likes the Patrician, and Vimes, while adamant that he doesn’t, shares the dedication to the city felt by Vetinari and Ironfoundersson.

Where did Lord Vetinari get his name from?

Lord Vetinari was born into the extremely powerful Vetinari family (a pun, or play on words, on the real-life family of the Medici and on the word ” veterinary “) and raised by his aunt, Lady Roberta Meserole.

What did Terry Pratchett say about Lord Vetinari?

― Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards! “We can’t just drop everything, sir!” “Mister Lipwig. Is there something in the word ‘tyrant’ you do not understand?” “Moist waited. Lord Vetinari could outstare a statue and make even a statue start to feel nervous and confess.