Users' questions

Why did Zeratul die?

Why did Zeratul die?

Zeratul dies when he sacrifices himself to sever Artanis nerve cords to free him from Amon’s grasp of the Kalah.

Why did Zeratul sacrifice himself?

Zeratul told the allies the real reason the Overmind was so dangerous; it had attacked the xel’naga, and if it defeated the protoss it would consume all sentient life throughout the stars. Tassadar sacrificed himself to destroy the Overmind, using the Dark Templar techniques taught to him by Zeratul.

Why did Zeratul kills Raszagal?

Raszagal, dead at the hands of Dark Prelate Zeratul Zeratul killed Raszagal as there was no hope for them to escape now that Kerrigan has routed his forces, and he refused to allow Raszagal to live on as Kerrigan’s slave.

How did Fenix die?

“What I had to.” Upon his death, Kerrigan mocked Raynor, saying that Fenix died the way all protoss hope to do: in combat. In the final battle of the Brood War, Praetor Artanis led a protoss attack against Kerrigan, partly aimed at avenging Fenix. The attack was unsuccessful, however.

How do protoss eat?

Protoss derive sustenance from light, capable of living off of moonlight (reflected sunlight), and can go without light for extended periods of time. What little water they need is absorbed through the skin.

Does Zeratul die in Legacy of the Void?

As Zeratul dies from Artanis’ strike, he urges the Hierarch to combat Amon by going to the planet Korhal to recover the Xel’Naga Keystone – the artifact previously used to de-infest Sarah Kerrigan and free her from Amon’s control.

How old is Zeratul?

six hundred and thirty-five years old
At six hundred and thirty-five years old (born in 1865 according to Matt Cohen) and holding the rank of prelate, Zeratul is a member of the Nerazim, better known as the dark templar, whose forebears were exiled from the protoss homeworld of Aiur over a thousand years ago for refusing to submit to the Khala.

What does Entaro Adun mean?

En Taro Adun (“In honor of Adun”) became both a salutation and a battle cry used by the Templar Caste (and other protoss to members of the caste), along with phrases such as “(may) Adun be with you” and “may Adun forgive us.”Adun Toridas became a Nerazim expression, meaning “Adun hide you”, often interpreted as “May …

Who killed tassadar?

Tassadar dies when he sacrifices himself to destroy the Overmind on Aiur in the first StarCraft game.

How do protoss reproduce?

Protoss have both male and female genders and reproduce sexually. Their reproductive organs are very much analogous to Terrans, with the exception that male reproductive anatomy is internal. Females give birth after a gestation of 12 months.

Who is Talandar?

Talandar is a Purifier and Templar warrior. He was created by brainscans of the Templar hero Fenix, with all of his memories and a similar personality, and initially believed he was actually Fenix, though decided to forge his own identity as a being.

Does Protoss eat?

Protoss do not need to eat or drink, but are shown in The Dark Templar Saga to instead absorb energy from a form of photosynthesis. Little is known of the internal anatomy of the Protoss, as their bodies disintegrate after death.