Users' questions

Who got Niki Lauda out of the car?

Who got Niki Lauda out of the car?

Guy Edwards
Guy Edwards , born on this day in Macclesfield, Cheshire, had a low-key F1 career – 17 grand prix between 1974 and 1977 with a best finish of seventh – but is best remembered as one of three drivers who pulled Niki Lauda free from his burning wreckage at the Nurburgring in 1976.

What happened to Niki Laudas face?

Lauda suffered extensive scarring from the burns to his head, losing most of his right ear as well as the hair on the right side of his head, his eyebrows, and his eyelids. He chose to limit reconstructive surgery to replacing the eyelids and getting them to work properly.

What happened between Niki Lauda and James Hunt?

In Madrid, Spain on May 2, 1976, James Hunt took the win over Niki Lauda at the Spanish Grand Prix. In researching the Rush true story, we discovered that prior to the race, Lauda had broken two to three ribs when he fell off his tractor in an accident at his home in Austria, leaving his physical condition impaired.

Who was in the car crash with Niki Lauda?

Some of the images contained within are quite graphic with a clearly bloodied and burnt Lauda captured on film. Also captured is the brave work of fellow drivers Brett Lunger, Arturo Merzario, Guy Edwards and Harald Ertl who came to the Austrian’s aid at the crash scene.

Where did Niki Lauda hit the grill Kurve?

An aerial photograph shows where Lauda’s impact happened, which was at the left-hander in between Ex Mühle and Bergwerk. This corner has now unofficially become known as either Lauda-Linksknick (Lauda left kink) or, more graphically, the Grill Kurve in reference to the horrendous burns suffered by Lauda.

When does the Niki Lauda movie Rush come out?

UPDATE 12 April 2012: A recreation of Lauda’s accident has just been filmed for the Ron Howard film Rush, due for release in 2013. The anniversary event on the Nürburgring didn’t offer a reason to celebrate.