Users' questions

Where can you site an oil tank?

Where can you site an oil tank?

To protect tanks from an ignition source, tanks should be sited:

  • 1.8m away from non-fire rated eaves of a building.
  • 1.8m away from a non-fire rated building or structure (e.g. garden sheds)
  • 1.8m away from openings (such as doors or windows) in a fire rated building or structure (e.g. brick-built house/garage)

How far does a oil tank have to be from the house?

1.8 metres
An oil tank has to be a minimum of 1.8 metres away from any part of a building or construction that isn’t fire resistant, such as doors, windows, eves and cladding.

Can I put a roof over my oil tank?

Your tank should be on floor level or below ground level – it must never be stored above roof level. Remember, your tank needs to be easily accessed for deliveries and maintenance, but away from areas that are at risk of damage via impact, machinery and weather.

Can I move my domestic oil tank?

Moving a fuel oil storage tank requires an assessment to be carried under current Building Regulations prior to changing any existing installation. The Oil Tank Relocation assessment must be carried-out by a qualified technician to identify environmental and fire risks associated with the new positioning of the tank.

Do oil tanks have to be double skinned?

In commercial installations all oil storage tanks above 200 litres in capacity must be bunded. The first is a single skin tank which is situated in an open bund which is constructed from masonry and then sealed with an oil proof render. The bund must hold 110% of the primary tanks capacity.

Are single skinned oil tanks legal?

Generally a single skin tank cannot legally be installed if the tank is: in excess of 2500 litres. within 10m of controlled water (river, stream, ditch, soakaway, septic tank etc.) located where a spillage could enter a loose fitting manhole or open drain.

Are there any regulations for heating oil tanks?

This page provides a brief overview of the Domestic Regulations that need to be addressed when installing or moving a domestic heating oil tank. These are not exhaustive, and full details can be found on the following government websites:

Can a storage tank be used for home heating oil?

(A few U.S. states specifically exclude the regulation of storage tanks when used for home heating oil.)

What are clearance distances required for indoor oil storage tanks?

What are the Clearance Distances Required for Indoor Oil Storage Tanks? For fire safety indoor oil storage tanks should not be located too close to oil burners or other heaters. Typical indoor clearance requirements specify that the oil storage tank should be 10 feet from the oil burner.

Can a heating oil tank be inspected above ground?

If an oil or other fuel storage tank is above ground and accessible for visual inspection it can and should be inspected for evidence of leaks or damage. Here are some inspection pointers for heating oil tanks.Is the tank exterior sound, without leaking seams or excessive rust?