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What races can become werewolf in Skyrim?

What races can become werewolf in Skyrim?

Skyrim: The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Races to Play as a Werewolf

  • 3 Play – Argonian.
  • 4 Avoid – Imperial.
  • 5 Play – Dunmer/Dark Elf.
  • 6 Avoid – Bosmer/Wood Elf.
  • 7 Play – Nord.
  • 8 Avoid – Breton.
  • 9 Play – Orsimer/Orc.
  • 10 Avoid – Altmer/High Elf.

What race are vampires Skyrim?

Vampires can be of any race but the majority of them are easily distinguishable from uninfected persons. As a result of the hemophiliac virus, Sanguinare Vampiris, the infected slowly grow a pallid complexion.

Can you be both a vampire and werewolf in Skyrim?

Werewolves exist in Skyrim. You cannot become a Vampire and a Werewolf at the same time. Becoming a Vampire Lord removes lycanthropy automatically, but the option to return remains. Lycanthropy can be cured by other means as well.

Is it better to be werewolf or vampire in Skyrim?

At lower levels, Werewolf is maybe a better choice, because it’s easier to level up, and Vampire Lord won’t have as many advantages. However overall, Vampire Lord is a complete power trip. At level 46+ you get an extra 250 health, 200 magicka and 100 stamina.

Is it better to be Dawnguard or vampire?

Vampire Hunter (Dawnguard) Overall, the physical rewards (weapons, etc) are better if you choose Dawnguard. However, you cannot regularly use the powerful Vampire Lord form until after you’ve completed the main questline, or else the Dawnguard members will not accept you.

Can khajiit become werewolves?

Yes, characters of any playable race can become a werewolf, including Argonians and Khajiits.

Can a khajiit be a vampire?

Level VII Do’vish It’s the complete absence of a game mechanic. The Khajiit being able to become Vampires and Lycans is something that the developers actively coded in rather than something they overlooked . Members of the Khajiit race can (and do) worship Daedra same as any member of another race can.

Where in Skyrim can I find vampires?

You can find vampires in Haemar’s Shame, a cave to the southwest of Ivarstead. If you want to contract Vampirism, go there and let the vampires attack you. Or simply purchase or aquire Vampire Salts and ingest them as you would any food item.

Are there vampires and werewolves in Skyrim?

Apart from Nords and the other meddling races whom Skyrim totally doesn’t belong to, the frigid northland of Tamriel is also home to vampires and werewolves.

How are the different races different in Skyrim?

I’ve been trying to find out what changes in each race after they become vampires, so far I’ve found a few answers. All races get different eyes, some get yellow eyes others red. Khajiit and Argonians get fangs and Altmer get yellow eyes. That’s about all I know, I’d like to know what else changes in the other races.

Which is the best race to play a vampire in Skyrim?

Skyrim: The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Races to Play as a Vampire. 1 10 Avoid – Argonian. The condition of vampirism has many perks, like 100% disease and poison immunity, and increased frost resistance. Likewise, they 2 9 Play – Redguard. 3 8 Avoid – Orsimer/Orc. 4 7 Play – Imperial. 5 6 Avoid – Nord.

Which is better being a vampire or a werewolf?

Being a werewolf is less taxing on the necks of Nords and other races. It doesn’t require anything to maintain though the benefits are not as present as a vampire’s. For those that feel vampirism can be a chore, being a carefree werewolf is better.