Users' questions

What might Swimming represent in Gattaca?

What might Swimming represent in Gattaca?

The ocean motif in Gattaca represents the one thing that remains natural, as its vastness, power and unpredictability make it impossible to be influenced by the genetic and scientific manipulation of this artificial world. The love scene between Vincent and Irene also involves the ocean.

What is the significance of the opening scene in Gattaca?

The opening sequence shows this exfoliating process, in which Vincent both literally and metaphorically transforms into a genetically perfect individual by shedding traces of his imperfect DNA.

How do workers gain entrance to Gattaca?

“Welcome to Gattaca”: the not too distant future. The film quickly and effectively establishes why the man we are introduced to as Jerome Morrow might have added a prosthetic finger tip: the process of getting into Gattaca requires finger touch ID.

What does Vincent mean when he said I never saved anything for the swim back?

Anton, I never saved anything for the swim back. This is both a taunt and the truth. The taunt is confirming the implied willingness to drown them both that Anton voiced. The truth is Vincent eschews the fear of failure, and is willing to sacrifice everything to prove society wrong.

When does the swimming scene take place in Gattaca?

Unlike the others, this swimming scene takes place at night, with the pitch black sky and dark waves emphasizing the danger and seriousness of this final competition. They swim so far out that Anton urges them to head back, but Vincent refuses to back out.

What are the flashback scenes in the movie Gattaca?

Scenes 3 – 5: Flashback to Vincent’s childhood (“I was conceived in the Riviera” to “It was the moment that made everything else possible”, 9:08 to 19:00) The movie then cuts to a flashback, a common device used throughout Gattaca.

How does Vincent look in the opening scene of Gattaca?

Teenage Vincent appears scruffy and disheveled with unruly hair and a tattered grey shirt, a clear juxtaposition to his professional, polished appearance in the opening scene. This foreshadows the great change his character undergoes throughout the course of the film.

How are Anton and Vincent similar in Gattaca?

There is also a deliberate parallel between Vincent and his genetically engineered brother Anton, “a son my father considered worthy of his name.” It is clear that his parents favor Anton over Vincent, indicated by their dialogue and actions. During this first flashback, a key scene takes place: the first swimming scene.