Users' questions

What makes a wrasse a wrasse?

What makes a wrasse a wrasse?

Most species are elongated and relatively slender. Characteristic features of the wrasses include thick lips, smooth scales, long dorsal and anal fins, and large, often protruding canine teeth in the front of the jaw.

What is the smallest wrasse?

The Pink-Streaked Wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia) is one of the best wrasse species for smaller aquariums due to its diminutive size of only about 2-1/2” when full grown. It’s peaceful demeanor and compatibility with other fish and invertebrates make this wrasse a prime candidate.

Can you eat Christmas wrasse?

Not so any more. Although not much sport, the larger ones do make decent eating, and wrasse are relatively plentiful (less so the really big ones though – the males). But a fish to take only in moderation when you have a specific plan/recipe.

Is wrasse a hardy fish?

These small, active fish are popular for a small marine aquarium. They are quite hardy, disease resistant, and long-lived. These fish will rid a few pests in the aquarium, like the pyramid snails and commensal flatworms. They are considered reef safe as they will not harm corals or coral anemones.

How long do wrasse live for?

Larvae are part of plankton during the first month of their life. After that period, they become large enough to join the community on the coral reefs. Wrasse can survive 3 to 30 years in the wild (most species live from 3 to 5 years).

Do all wrasses jump?

All wrasses will jump so keep those tops covered.

What do fairy wrasse eat?

The Multicolor Lubbock’s Fairy Wrasse diet should include vitamin enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with a high quality marine flake and marine pellet food.

Can you eat Bluethroat wrasse?

The flesh of this fish is white and reasonable eating, providing moisture is not lost during the cooking process.

How do you cook wrasse?

The sweetish flesh is good in soups. Beautiful fish this size can always be roasted or baked in foil and served on the table as they are. Set the oven to 175°C (any higher and the butter will burn) and be lavish with butter, lemon and fresh herbs and spices.

Do six line wrasse eat parasites?

Feeding the 6 Line Wrasse The 6 line wrasse is a carnivorous fish, spending most of their time picking at live rocks in search of small worms (like bristle worms), parasites, and crustaceans. These are very active fish. If possible, try to feed them 2-3 times a day.

What is the meaning of the word wrasse?

any of various marine fishes of the family Labridae, especially of the genus Labrus, having thick, fleshy lips, powerful teeth, and usually a brilliant color, certain species being valued as food fishes. Words nearby wrasse. Origin of wrasse. 1665–75; apparently originally a plural of dial.

When did the fairy wrasse diverge from other wrasses?

Fairy wrasse s diverged from other wrasse s about 12 million years ago in the Miocene Epoch, the researchers found. The rising and falling seas could act like a “species pump,” Tea explains, creating new fairy wrasse species and churning them out into the world every time the barrier dissolved.

How many species of wrasse are there in the world?

See text . The wrasses are a family, Labridae, of marine fish, many of which are brightly colored. The family is large and diverse, with over 600 species in 81 genera, which are divided into 9 subgroups or tribes.

Is the dorsal fin of a wrasse sexually dimorphic?

The dorsal fin has eight to 21 spines and six to 21 soft rays, usually running most of the length of the back. Wrasses are sexually dimorphic. Many species are capable of changing sex.