What kind of people live in Castel Volturno?
What kind of people live in Castel Volturno?
Today (2019) it is inhabited by destitute Italian and African squatters. Castel Volturno was a settlement of the Oscans and then of the Etruscans, who called it Volturnum, and was a trade point on the road to Casilinum and Capua.
When did Castel Volturno become a Roman colony?
Castel Volturno was a settlement of the Oscans and then of the Etruscans, who called it Volturnum, and was a trade point on the road to Casilinum and Capua. Volturnum became a Roman colony in 194 BC and, in 95 AD, it was reached by the Via Domitiana, and received a large bridge connecting the two shores of the river with the same name.
When did Castel Volturno fall to the Saracens?
The town decayed after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and, in 806, the Lombard Prince of Benevento Grimoald III gave its port to the abbots of Montecassino. In 841 it was ravaged by Saracens.
When did Castel Volturno become a holiday resort?
In 1860 it was annexed to the newly unified Kingdom of Italy . Castel Volturno received a boost in its agricultural activities after the nearby lands were dried during the Fascist government, and after the new Domiziana Road and a new bridge were built (1954). The beach resorts were expanded after the Second World War into a holiday resort.
Where was the settlement of Castel Volturno located?
Castel Volturno was a settlement of the Oscans and then of the Etruscans, who called it Volturnum, and was a trade point on the road to Casilinum and Capua.
Is the quarter Villaggio Coppola still inhabited?
Due to a decision of the Regional Council (Consiglio Regionale della Campania) from 2010, the quarter Villaggio Coppola, which is also the third largest illegally built residential complex in the world, should actually be demolished. Today (2019) it is inhabited by destitute Italian and African squatters.