What is venous infarction?
What is venous infarction?
Venous infarcts occur due to obstruction of the venous system by thrombus or external compression. Subsequently, venous pressure continues to rise leading to cortical edema and the appearance of vasogenic edema on imaging.
Is venous infarct a stroke?
Cerebral venous infarction is an uncommon form of stroke, and is most commonly secondary to cerebral venous thrombosis and frequently manifests with hemorrhage.
What does venous thrombosis look like on MRI?
MRI. MRI is able to both visualise the clot as well as the sequelae. The clot acutely is isointense on T1 and hypointense on T2 (this can mimic a flow void), with subacute clot becoming hyperintense on T1. Cerebral oedema can be identified even in the absence of neurological dysfunction or infarction 1.
When to consider a cerebral venous infarction?
It should be considered in infarcts (with or without hemorrhage) which do not correspond to a typical arterial territory 1. No particular factors have been identified in patients predisposed to venous infarct / hemorrhage following venous sinus thrombosis.
Can a venous infarct be a cortical hemorrhage?
Venous infarcts can sometimes present with parenchymal hemorrhage and is estimated to occur in 30-40 % of patients with cerebral venous thrombosis. 7 Hemorrhage is typically cortical or paramedian in location and not confined to a typical arterial vascular territory (Figures 6-8).
Can a thrombus in a vein cause infarction?
venous infarction. a thrombus in a vein may cause infarction, e.g. in the thigh muscles of downer cow, recumbent for long periods, or in the gastric mucosa of pigs, where it is a common finding in acute septicemia.
What are the imaging findings of venous infarct?
Imaging findings of venous infarct can be extremely complex with concomitant findings of hyperdense vein or venous sinus, vasogenic edema and hemorrhage (Figure 9). Common competing differential possibilities are trauma, tumor and infection.