What is the world record moose rack?
What is the world record moose rack?
With a final score of 263-5/8 Boone and Crockett points, the bull has the largest antlers ever recorded for the Alaska-Yukon moose subspecies. The previous record, taken in Alaska in 1994, scores 261-5/8. These are the only two specimens on record to score over 260. The third-largest bull scores 256-6/8.
Who shot the world record moose?
Rex J. Nick
Rex J. Nick was hunting near Pilot Station on Native corporation land in Game Management Unit 18, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, along the Lower Yukon River on September 26, 2010, when he harvested the new World’s Record Alaska-Yukon moose. He downed it with a . 300 Winchester Magnum from 65 yards at 7:30 p.m.
Where was the world record moose killed?
Jim Hall poses with a record setting Shiras moose he shot in Washington’s Ferry County in 2018. FERRY COUNTY -A Washington hunter has officially set the world record for Shiras moose.
What was the biggest moose ever killed?
The world record Alaska-Yukon moose listed by the Boone and Crockett Club was shot with a gun in 1994 and had a spread of just over 65 inches with 34 points. The current world record with a bow and arrow by the archery-only Pope and Young Club is somewhat smaller with a score of 248.
What is the world record Wolf?
The biggest wolf in the world was documented in 1939 by a famous wolf trapper in Alaska, Frank Glaser, who caught a 175-pound Mackenzie Valley male.
How fast can a moose run?
56 km/hMaximum, Adult, Running
Can you tell the age of a moose by its antlers?
Antlers of older moose vary to such great extent that it is an impossible task to accurately identify an animal’s age. Moose antlers will vary in size and rate of growth. Other than the yearling moose any attempt to judge a moose age is purely guesswork.
What’s the world record for largest moose antlers?
— According to Boone and Crockett, the governing body for determining game animal records, a bull moose killed by a hunter in 2013 in Yukon Territory has set a new world’s record for largest antlers ever recorded for the Alaska-Yukon moose subspecies.
Where was the world’s largest moose ever shot?
MISSOULA, Mont. — According to Boone and Crockett, the governing body for determining game animal records, a bull moose killed by a hunter in 2013 in Yukon Territory has set a new world’s record for largest antlers ever recorded for the Alaska-Yukon moose subspecies. The moose was harvested by Heinz E. Naef of Dawson City, Yukon.
What’s the world record score for a moose?
According to the Boone and Crockett Club, Eric’s great Alaska-Yukon moose was officially scored at 236 B&C points. This will make it stand at 118th on the all-time list. At this writing the world record moose, Boone and Crockett scored 261 5/8 and was taken by John A. Crouse in 1994 near Fourtymile River Alaska.
How did Jay link get the world record moose?
Luck is a huge part of [hunting] and I attribute the fact that I have the world record Yellowstone elk to pure luck.” As an example the latest world record moose taken with a rifle, shot by Jay Link in 2001. Jay travelled to Russia, to the very remote regions to get this moose.