Users' questions

What is the meaning of the end of Looper?

What is the meaning of the end of Looper?

Basically, Looper ends with young Joe making an unselfish decision to take his own life as a means to save another. He has developed a love and fondness for Sara and Cid, despite realizing that Cid is most likely going to grow up to be the Rainmaker.

What does it mean to loop something?

If something runs in a loop, or is on a loop, it runs continuously, so that the same things are repeated again and again: The tape ran in a continuous loop, repeating the same songs over and over.

What does loop mean in slang?

Intoxicated; drunk. adjective. Intoxicated; drunk. adjective. Simple past tense and past participle of loop.

What does it mean to call someone a Looper?

looper in American English (ˈluːpər) noun. a person or thing that loops something or forms loops. a measuringworm.

What happens to the Rainmaker in Looper?

As young Seth (played by Paul Dano) learned from his older self, 30 years into the Looper world’s future, the Rainmaker has seized power away from the five major bosses. This makes him the most powerful criminal in the county (if not the entire country), both in terms of his telekinetic abilities and stature.

What did they do to Joseph’s face in Looper?

Although Rian Johnson briefly considered digital effects to make Joseph Gordon-Levitt look like Bruce Willis, the decision to go practical was swiftly made. This involved attaching prosthetic pieces made by make up guru Kazu Tsuji to Gordon-Levitt’s face in a 3-hour daily process.

What does loop mean on Snapchat?

Among them are the aforementioned Looping Videos, as well as Limitless Snaps and a tool called the “Magic Eraser.” Looping Videos are a bit like Instagram Boomerang, in that they’ll play a continuous loop of a video until someone closes it or moves ahead in your Story (although, unlike Boomerang, Looping Videos move …

What does FFC stand for?


Acronym Definition
FFC Flash for Cash
FFC Financial and Fiscal Commission (South Africa)
FFC Foreign Finance Corporation (various locations)
FFC Finance and Facilities Committee (various locations)

What happened Looper?

Joe realizes he’s part of a cycle of violence, a loop with greater consequences, and decides to end it. He turns his blunderbuss on himself and fires into his heart, erasing Old Joe and saving Sara, Cid, Old Joe’s wife, and the future.

What does Loper mean?

loper in American English (ˈloupər) noun. a person or thing that lopes, as a horse with a loping gait. Also called: draw runner, draw slip Furniture. either of two runners coming forward to support a hinged leaf, as the slant front of a desk.

What happens at the end of the looper?

This is the ending of Looper, finally explained. In the world of Looper, time travel is invented in the 2070s… and is almost immediately declared illegal because of the many dangerous implications that come with just handing such technology over to the populace.

How does closing their loop work in the movie?

This is called closing their loop. After a loop is closed a looper has 30 years to live until their loop is closed. The way it works is the Looper’s future self is sent to the past (the present from the movie’s perspective) and the present looper kills themself.

What’s the purpose of looper in Android framework?

You can better understand what Looper is in the context of GUI framework. Looper is made to do 2 things. 1) Looper transforms a normal thread, which terminates when its run () method return, into something run continuously until Android app is running, which is needed in GUI framework (Technically, it still terminates when run () method return.

Who are the actors in the movie looper?

Looper is directed by Rian Johnson. The Looper cast includes Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt in the lead roles.