Users' questions

What is the age of Vindhyan Supergroup?

What is the age of Vindhyan Supergroup?

Although a Neoproterozoic age has often been inferred for the Upper Vindhyan (1), firm geochronologic evidence for this has been missing, and recent paleomagnetic–geochronologic work even suggests a late Mesoproterozoic age (1.0–1.07 Ga) of the uppermost Vindhyan units (2).

What is the total thickness of the succession of Vindhyan supergroup?

around 3 km
Stratigraphy: The entire Vindhyan succession, maximum thickness estimated to be around 3 km, and comprising mainly sandstone, shale and limestone is assigned as the Vindhyan Supergroup.

Which group of Vindhyan is famous for diamond deposit?

The Panna Diamond Belt (PDB) occupying the northern margin of the Vindhyan Basin in Panna district, Madhya Pradesh hosts the primary, secondary and tertiary sources of diamond.

Which of the following rock of Vindhyan system is used to cement production?

 Diamond,pyrite,coal,limestone,building and decorative stones are reported from Vindhyan basin  Diamond have been reported in the conglomerate in Panna  The limestone of Vindhyans are among the most important sources of raw materials for the lime and cement industry in India  Vindhyan sandstone near U.P on …

What is Aravalli Supergroup?

The Aravalli Supergroup developed during early Proterozoic and constitutes an important component of the Precambrian crust in the northwestern part of the Indian Shield. The study area lies in the southwestern part of the Chittorgarh region, which includes mainly the Archaean basement (BGC) and the Aravalli Supergroup.

What is the age of lower Vindhyan Stomatolite?

The most quoted age for these glauconites is a K–Ar age of 1100 -+ 60 Ma (Vino- gradov et al., 1964). This has been recalculated with later recommended de- cay constants to 1080 -+ 40 Ma (Kreuzer et al., 1977).

Which is oldest rock in India?

The zircon containing granite rocks of Odisha. About 4.24 billion years old – older than the oldest rocks on Earth – and barely the width of a human hair, tiny grains of zircon have been found trapped in a granite rock in the eastern Indian state of Odisha1.

Which Indian rock is most mineralized?

The most mineralized rock system of india is

  • Dharwar system.
  • Vindhyan system.
  • Cuddapah system.
  • Gondwana system.

Which rock is used for cement production?

Limestone is one of the key minerals used in cement making. Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and, according to the Mineral Education Coalition, comprises about 15% of the Earth’s sedimentary crust.

How old is Aravalli?

How old is the Aravalli Range? Geologists say that the mountain range is as old as 350 million years which is like older than the Himalayan Range. Thus making it the oldest range of fold Mountains in India.

How is Aravalli range formed?

These are fold mountains of which rocks are formed primarily of folded crust, when two convergent plates move towards each other by the process called orogenic movement. The Aravallis date back to millions of years when a pre-Indian sub-continent collided with the mainland Eurasian Plate.

Why was the Vindhyan Supergroup important to science?

Deposited in an intra-cratonic basin, it is composed mostly of shallow marine deposits. It is believed to have recorded a substantial portion of Proterozoic time and therefore, likely to contain valuable information on the evolution of the atmosphere, climate, and life on our planet.

What kind of deposition does the Vindhyan Supergroup have?

Cont… The basal Panna shale without any basal conglomerate indicates continuity of deposition from Kaimur group.

Are there any Vindhyan formations in Son Valley?

The general belief that many of the Vindhyan formations of Rajasthan are laterally correlatable with those in the Son valley is difficult to estab- lish in the absence of physical continuity. Biostra- tigraphic correlation in the Vindhyans, like the

Which is the northern extension of the Vindhya Range?

Another northern extension (known as the Vindhyachal hills) runs up to Uttar Pradesh, stopping before the shores of Ganga at multiple places, including Vindhyachal and Chunar ( Mirzapur District ), near Varanasi . The Vindhyan tableland is a plateau that lies to the north of the central part of the range.