Users' questions

What is proliferative endometrium mean?

What is proliferative endometrium mean?

The proliferative endometrium stage is also called the follicular phase. The term “proliferative” means that cells are multiplying and spreading. During this phase, your estrogen levels rise. This causes your endometrium to thicken. Your ovaries also prepare an egg for release.

Is it normal to have proliferative endometrium?

Proliferative endometrium is a very common non-cancerous change that develops in the tissue lining the inside of the uterus. It is a normal finding in women of reproductive age. During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium grows under the influence of two major hormones – estrogen and progesterone.

What does Dyssynchronous endometrium mean?

Disordered or dyssynchronous endometrium suggests ovulatory dysfunction. A result of disordered or crowded glands is common with anovulatory cycles due to prolonged estrogen stimulation without postovulatory progesterone exposure.

What does early secretory phase endometrium mean?

After ovulation occurs, the endometrium enters the luteal or secretory phase, which means that the lining has undergone a series of changes which will prepare it for a possible pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the thickened endometrium will be shed during menstruation.

What causes endometrial proliferation?

Endometrial hyperplasia most often is caused by excess estrogen without progesterone. If ovulation does not occur, progesterone is not made, and the lining is not shed. The endometrium may continue to grow in response to estrogen. The cells that make up the lining may crowd together and may become abnormal.

What is the treatment for disordered proliferative endometrium?

The most common treatment is progestin. This can be taken in several forms, including pill, shot, vaginal cream, or intrauterine device. Atypical types of endometrial hyperplasia, especially complex, increase your risk of getting cancer. If you have these types, you might consider a hysterectomy.

What does it mean to have weakly proliferative endometrium?

Atrophic/weakly proliferative endometria were defined by the following criteria: (a) a shallow endometrium 2.2 mm thick (mean, 2.2; median, 2.0; range, 1.0–3.5), with loss of distinction between the basal and functional layer; (b) proliferative type endometrial glands, somewhat tortuous, with tall columnar …

What happens if my endometrial biopsy is abnormal?

While an endometrial biopsy is safe, there is a chance of bleeding and infection. The wall of your uterus could also get nicked by the tools used during the biopsy, but this is very rare. If you think you may be pregnant, make sure to tell your doctor ahead of time. The biopsy could cause you to miscarry.

What does it mean to have a weakly proliferative endometrium?

It is probable that the presence of a weak proliferative pattern in a postmenopausal atrophic endometrium is a response of the uterine mucosa to continuous low level oestrogenic stimulation.

What are the side effects of endometrial biopsy?

What happens after an endometrial biopsy?

  • Excessive bleeding, or bleeding longer than 2 days after the procedure.
  • Foul-smelling drainage from your vagina.
  • Fever or chills.
  • Severe lower belly pain.