Users' questions

What is Oraldene mouthwash used for?

What is Oraldene mouthwash used for?

ORALDENE contains 0.1% w/v hexetidine. Mouthwash. A clear red solution. ORALDENE is indicated for use in minor mouth infections including thrush, as an aid in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis, and in the management of sore throat and recurrent aphthous ulcers.

Which mouthwash is best for ulcers?

Chlorhexidine mouthwash (Corsodyl® or Chlorohex®) may reduce the pain. It may also help ulcers to heal more quickly. It helps to prevent ulcers from becoming infected.

Does Oraldene mouthwash stain teeth?

This product does not cause staining in normal use.

Is Corsodyl mouthwash safe?

These products are safe for everyday use. The treatment range – this range consists of the original Corsodyl mouthwash (0.2%), and the Corsodyl gel (1%) which both contain a much higher percentage of chlorhexidine digluconate. These products are excellent treatments but are designed only for short term use.

Is Oraldene good for bad breath?

Oraldene combats growth of the bacteria that produce bad smells and is recommended for people with severe or recurrent bad breath problems. certain foods, stopping smoking, or menstruation. They may also be cause by repeated rubbing from badly fitting dentures. Mouth ulcers generally last between 10-14 days.

Is Oraldene safe?

Warning. Oraldene mouthwash should be spat out, not swallowed (although accidental swallowing of a small amount is unlikely to cause harm). Avoid getting the mouthwash in contact with the eyes and ears. If you accidentally get it in your eyes or ears, rinse them immediately with plenty of water.

Why won’t my mouth ulcer go away?

An injury by something sharp, (toothpick, braces, denture, appliance, sharp food, accidental bite, hard tooth brushing) Trauma from acidic or hot foods (pineapple, strawberries, citrus, hot drinks). Reduced immune response due to stress or lack of sleep. Hormonal fluctuations, especially in women and adolescents.

Why do I have brown stains between my teeth?

But what is it? When plaque builds up on teeth, it hardens into a substance called tartar, which is often a yellow or brown color. Tartar often appears along the gumline and in between your teeth, and regular brushing with toothpaste doesn’t remove it.

Does mouthwash whiten teeth?

Whitening Mouth Rinses Before and After Brushing A mouthwash after brushing gets into any gaps you’ve missed the first go around and allows the fluoride to soak into the enamel. A mouthwash that contains hydrogen peroxide and used at least twice a day for three months can significantly whiten teeth.

Is Corsodyl better than Listerine?

Conclusions: Both mouth rinses showed marked antimicrobial effects on the monospecies biofilm in vitro. Listerine showed a stronger bactericidal effect but had less bacterial inhibitory effect than did Corsodyl.

Do dentists recommend Corsodyl?

Your dentist may recommend that you use Corsodyl intensive treatment as a short term, temporary treatment in addition to your normal oral hygiene routine, to keep your mouth clean and help gums heal.

When to use Oraldene for mouth sores?

Last updated on eMC: 31 May 2018. ORALDENE is indicated for use in minor mouth infections including thrush, as an aid in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis, and in the management of sore throat and recurrent aphthous ulcers. ORALDENE is also of value in the alleviation of halitosis and pre- and post-dental surgery.

What do you need to know about Oraldene?

Oraldene is a mouthwash which helps to treat throat or mouth infections. Some of the infections that Oraldene can help to treat are: Mouth ulcers. Gingivitis. Sore gums. Sore throat. Oral thrush.

What does Oraldene mouthwash do for your mouth?

Oraldene Mouthwash was created to heal mouth infections, bad breath, gum disease, mouth ulcers, and oral thrush. It is to be used as a mouthwash to eliminate infection and the pain associated with infections. The product is said to kill all the fungus associated with infections and keep them from coming back.

What can Oraldene be used for after dental surgery?

Oraldene can also be used to treat other mouth conditions that are caused or made worse by bacteria, such as gum disease, sore throats and recurrent mouth ulcers. It is also used to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, and to prevent infections both before and after dental surgery. How do I use it?