What is fund ABN spin?
What is fund ABN spin?
A Superannuation Product Identification number (SPIN) is a unique number used for many reasons, including rolling out or transferring super. A Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) is used by superannuation fund administrators to identify superannuation funds for electronic rollovers and contributions.
How do I find my spin number?
You can recognise SPIN codes by their format. They will consist of 3 letters, followed by 4 numbers, followed by 2 letters. For example AustralianSuper is STA0100AU. To find the SPIN number for your superannuation fund, you should be able to locate it after logging into your account.
How do I get a letter of compliance from my super fund hostplus?
- Mail.
- Phone 1300 467 875.
- Email [email protected].
How do I find my hostplus ABN?
Hostplus Quick Info (ABN, USI & SPIN)
- Hostplus Superannuation Fund ABN. 68 657 495 890.
- Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) HOS0100AU.
- SPIN (Super Product Identifier Number) HOS0100AU.
How to contact HostPlus Superannuation fund ABN and spin?
Hostplus Quick Info (ABN, USI & SPIN) carret-down. Hostplus Superannuation Fund ABN. 68 657 495 890. Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) HOS0100AU. SPIN (Super Product Identifier Number) HOS0100AU.
What does HOSTPLUS’s spin number stand for?
What is Hostplus’s SPIN number? HOS 0100AU. SPIN number is short for Superannuation Product Identification number. A SPIN number identifies a super fund product, as opposed to the business entity, fund or trustee. It is used by government organsations and financial institutions to identify the super fund products that belong to a superfund.
What is the name of the HostPlus super fund?
Fast Facts. Fund Name: HOSTPLUS Super. Product Name: HOSTPLUS Superannuation Fund. Fund ABN: 68657495890. Fund USI: HOS0100AU. Fund Phone Number: 1300 467 875. Fund Address: Locked Bag 5046.
What is the ABN number for HOSTPLUS Australia?
Hostplus ABN Number: 79 008 634 704 In addition to an RSE number, superannuation providers are also issued with a RSEL, Registerable Superannuation Entity Licence number, by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).