What is CI or FS polygraph?
What is CI or FS polygraph?
The CI polygraph asks questions limited to the subjects allegiance to the United States. The Lifestyle polygraph asks more personal questions designed to solicit information about your conduct and present and past behavior. A Full Scope polygraph combines the CI and Lifestyle polygraphs.
What is a pre employment polygraph test?
The Purpose of the Test The purpose of the employment polygraph test is basically to determine whether a candidate has been truthful on their job application. Any indication of deception can be cause for disqualification from consideration for employment.
What questions are asked on a CI polygraph?
Counterintelligence questions cover the following topics: espionage, sabotage, terrorist activities, deliberate damage of U.S. Government Information Systems, intentional compromise of U.S. Government Classified Information, secret contact with a foreign national or representative.
What are the four phases of polygraph examination?
A polygraph examination may contain four (4) phases known as the Pre-test phase, Testing phase, Chart analysis phase and Post-test phase, any one of which constitutes a polygraph examination.
Can I lose my clearance if I fail a polygraph?
Polygraphs are separate from a clearance. An agency may deny employment at their own place for a failed polygraph, but they won’t be denying you a clearance, just agency specific suitiability. Clearances don’t take into effect results of polygraphs, but they will take into account admissions. Understood.
What are the 3 phases of polygraph examination?
A polygraph examination consists of three distinct phases:
- Pre-Test Phase (Information Collection);
- In-Test Phase / Polygraph Examination (Chart Collection);
- Post-Test Phase (Data Analysis).
What are the limitations of polygraph?
One limitation of the GKT is that it can be used only when investigators have information that only a guilty subject would know. The interpretation of “no deception” is also a potential limitation, since it may indicate lack of knowledge rather than innocence.
Will being nervous make you fail a polygraph?
According to a report from the National Academy of Sciences, “[a] variety of mental and physical factors, such as anxiety about being tested, can affect polygraph results – making the technique susceptible to error.” Unfortunately, once you have failed a government polygraph test, there may be little you can do to …
When did the DEA start using a polygraph?
The DEA established a polygraph program in the early 1970s when it began conducting polygraph examinations in criminal drug and misconduct investigations. The OIG established its polygraph program and began conducting polygraph examinations in 1990 in both criminal and misconduct investigations.
Is the employee polygraph Protection Act ( Eppa ) illegal?
The Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) prohibits most private employers from using lie detector tests, either for pre-employment screening or during the course of employment.
When was the last time the FBI did a polygraph?
From FY 2002 through 2005, the FBI, DEA, and ATF conducted approximately 28,000 pre-employment polygraph examinations, which represented about 57 percent of all polygraph examinations conducted in that period. Personnel Security and Counterintelligence Screening.
How to prepare for a customs polygraph exam?
Please plan to be available and free of any scheduling conflicts the entire day as there is no way to predict how long your examination may take. Try to get plenty of rest the night before your scheduled polygraph examination and please do not work a midnight shift prior to the morning of your examination.