Users' questions

What is category switching?

What is category switching?

Category Fluency – category switching is a measure of cognitive flexibility or set shifting. Category Fluency is the ease of semantic knowledge retrieval.

What does D-KEFS stand for?

The Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System™ (D-KEFS™) is the first nationally standardized set of tests to evaluate higher level cognitive functions in both children and adults.

How long does D-KEFS take?

Administration: The D-KEFS is individually administered in a game-like format. The Verbal Fluency Test is one of nine subtests which in their entirety take 90 minutes to complete. Scoring: Raw scores are converted to scaled scores (M=10, SD=3). Administration Comments: Can be given to children ages 8 to 19.

What does the D-KEFS sorting test measure?

The D-KEFS Sorting Test measures a number of important component processes of executive functions, including initiation of problem-solving behavior, concept-formation skills, modality-specific problem-solving skills (verbal versus nonverbal), the ability to explain sorting concepts abstractly, the ability to transfer …

How do you assess executive functioning?

For an effective assessment of executive functions, a variety of measures should be used including: formal one to one assessment, standardized checklists, observations, interviews and work samples. From these, conclusions may be drawn on the use of executive functions in a particular student.

What do Dkefs subtests measure?

This measure consists of the following subtests: The Trail Making Test measures flexibility of thinking on a visual-motor sequencing task. The Verbal Fluency Test measures letter fluency, category fluency, and category switching. The Proverb Test measures one’s ability to form novel, verbal abstractions.

How do you score a brief A?

The BRIEF-A takes approximately 10-15 minutes to administer. All 75 items are rated in terms of frequency on a 3-point scale: 0 (never), 1 (sometimes), 2 (often). Raw scores for each scale are summed and T scores (M = 50, SD = 10) are used to interpret the individual’s level of executive functioning.

What does verbal fluency test?

The verbal fluency test (VFT) is a short screening test that evaluates cognitive function. It’s often used by physicians and other practitioners if there is some concern that the person may have Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia.

What is executive functioning skills?

Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully.

What is design fluency?

Design Fluency (DF) is typically assumed to assess planning, cognitive flexibility, and fluency in generation of visual patterns, above and beyond contributions from motor speed (Delis, Kaplan, & Kramer, 2001; Ruff, 1998).

Is there an alternate form of the D-KEFS?

There are alternate forms for verbal fluency. It assesses fluent productivity in the verbal domain. Administration : The D-KEFS is individually administered in a game-like format. The Verbal Fluency Test is one of nine subtests which in their entirety take 90 minutes to complete. Scoring : Raw scores are converted to scaled scores (M=10, SD=3).

What are the conditions for the D-KEFS VF?

: The D-KEFS VF is an executive function test with three conditions: phonemic fluency (child must name words beginning with a certain letter), semantic fluency (child must name words that fall into certain categories), and semantic switching. There are alternate forms for verbal fluency. It assesses fluent productivity in the verbal domain.

How does the D-KEFS help with executive function?

The D-KEFS also helps determine how deficits in higher order thinking may impact an individual’s functioning. In turn, one’s performance can be used to develop coping strategies and rehabilitation programs tailored towards individual’s profile of strengths and weaknesses in executive functions.

How to score verbal fluency in D-KEFS?

D-KEFS Verbal Fluency Use the CIFASD test packet form, the D-KEFS Record Form and the D-KEFS Examiner’s Manual pages 58-73 and 242-255 to score this test. Circle all words that are errors regardless of type. Do not include those words that the child says, but then later self corrects. Cross them out with a line on the test packet form.