Users' questions

What is balami sheep?

What is balami sheep?

Balami sheep is the largest inldigenous breeds of sheep in Nigeria with a mature ewe weight of 43 kg. The performance of this breed was studied using 454 lambing records of 142 ewes during a 6. year period. Lambing occured throughout the year with a peak during the wet season.

What breed of sheep are exotic?

Exotic Breeds of Sheep

  • Merino.
  • Rambouillet.
  • Southdown.
  • Lincoln.
  • Leicester.
  • Corriedale.

What is the friendliest sheep breed?

Cotswold Sheep Cotswold sheep are usually calm and friendly. It is also a dual-purpose breed producing both meat and wool.

How many sheep are in Nigeria?

Sheep: Nigeria has a population of about 8 to13. 2million sheep out of which about 3.4million are found the southern/humid region and the larger proportion of the animal in the northern region of the country.

What kind of environment does Balami sheep live in?

Balami can survive in dry or arid environments. This breed is known for its potential to produce meat. Uda sheep is predominant in North West Nigeria as well as in the Sahel-Sudan vegetation zone in Nigeria. This breed of sheep has a characteristic coat/skin color pattern.

What kind of sheep do they have in Nigeria?

The indigenous or local breeds of sheep in Nigeria are: Balami can be found majorly in Borno State and other areas in North-East Nigeria. This particular sheep breed is big and the coat/skin color is predominantly white. Balami has a convex face; large, droopy earlobes; and a thin, long tail.

What kind of dog is found in Nigeria?

The Nigerian breeds are mainly the hairy type and there are four breeds: the west African dwarf: yankasa. Uda and Balami however, other breeds which are of less importance exist which include the Bororo and the Ara-Ara found in Niger and Anambra states.

What kind of sheep do they have in Spain?

The breed is a native of Spain and has spread throughout the world. Wrinkles or folds in the skin are qualities of this breed. Ewes are polled, while the rams have rather large, heavy, spirally turned horns. The breed is rather small in size, somewhat upstanding angular than rectangular.