Users' questions

What is another word for a tamed animal?

What is another word for a tamed animal?

What is another word for tame animal?

pet companion
animal domestic animal
domesticated animal four-legged friend

What is a word for helping animals?

What is another word for animal rescue?

animal shelter ASPA
dog pound humane society
animal control

What is the synonym of anomaly?

oddity, peculiarity, abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency, incongruity, deviation, aberration, quirk, freak, exception, departure, divergence, variation. outlier, edge case. rarity, eccentricity.

What Cannot be tamed in one word?

Explanation: Untameable – Not capable of being domesticated/controlled.

What is a antonym for tamed?

tame. Antonyms: undomesticated, unreclaimed, untamed, unbroken, savage, wild, fierce, spirited, animated, ferine, interesting, exciting, stirring, lively. Synonyms: domesticated, reclaimed, tamed, subjugated, broken, gentle, mild, docile, meek, spiritless, tedious, dull, flat.

What do you call someone who rescues animals?

A wildlife rehabilitator takes in wild animals that are injured, sick, or orphaned and provides medical and supportive care. If the animal is capable of fending for him or herself after recovery, the animal is released back into the “wild”.

What is another term for eccentricity?

Eccentricity, peculiarity, quirk, idiosyncrasy all refer to some noticeable deviation in behavior, style, or manner from what is normal or expected.

What is one word for many words called?

characterized by the use of many or too many words; wordy: a verbose report.

What do you call someone who is very particular?

Synonyms for particular. choosy. (or choosey), picky, selective.

What does being tamed mean?

1 : reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans : domesticated tame animals. 2 : made docile and submissive : subdued. 3 : lacking spirit, zest, interest, or the capacity to excite : insipid a tame campaign.

Are there any synonyms for the word beast?

Synonyms & Antonyms of beast. 1 a mean, evil, or unprincipled person. she’s a real beast to anyone who makes the mistake of crossing her.

Which is the best definition of the word beastliest?

1. 1. unpleasant, mean, terrible, awful, nasty, foul, rotten, horrid, disagreeable, irksome, shitty (taboo slang) The weather was beastly. 2.

What kind of person is a real beast?

1 a mean, evil, or unprincipled person she’s a real beast to anyone who makes the mistake of crossing her

Which is the best synonym for the word animal?

Synonym Discussion of animal. carnal, fleshly, sensual, animal mean having a relation to the body. carnal may mean only this but more often connotes derogatorily an action or manifestation of a person’s lower nature.