What is a Slaac address?
What is a Slaac address?
A. L. S. (StateLess Address Auto Configuration) The preferred method of assigning IP addresses in an IPv6 network. SLAAC devices send the router a request for the network prefix, and the device uses the prefix and its own MAC address to create an IP address.
What type of address is Slaac helping configure?
SLAAC stands for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration and the name pretty much explains what it does. It is a mechanism that enables each host on the network to auto-configure a unique IPv6 address without any device keeping track of which address is assigned to which node.
What is a link-local address on the following addresses?
A link-local address is an IPv6 unicast address that can be automatically configured on any interface using the link-local prefix FE80::/10 (1111 1110 10) and the interface identifier in the modified EUI-64 format. Link-local addresses are not necessarily bound to the MAC address (configured in a EUI-64 format).
How does a Slaac host determine that an address is unique?
If you have a wired and a wireless connection in your computer, your computer has two unique MAC addresses. This is partly why SLAAC works. By using an interface’s MAC address as part of its IPv6 address we ensure a unique IPv6 address is generated every time.
How is SLAAC assigned to a host or router?
SLAAC is a method in which the host or router interface is assigned a 64-bit prefix, and then the last 64 bits of its address are derived by the host or router with help of EUI-64 process which is described in next few lines.
How is SLAAC used for IPv6 address assignment?
Stateless DHCP is then matched up with another mechanism (such as Static addressing or SLAAC) for IPv6 address assignment. SLAAC provides the ability to address a host based on a network prefix that is advertised from a local network router via Router Advertisements (RA).
What is the other config flag for SLAAC?
This time, the Router Advertisement has a flag called other-config set to 1. Once the client receives the message, it will still use SLAAC to craft its own IPv6 address. However, the flag tells the client to do something more.
What is the purpose of a link local address?
The purpose of this local address is to enable the node to communicate at Layer 3 with other IPv6 devices in the local segment. The most widely adopted way of auto-configuring a link-local address is by combining the link-local prefix FE80::/64 and the EUI-64 interface identifier, generated from the interface’s MAC address.