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What happens in chapter 11 of the outsiders?

What happens in chapter 11 of the outsiders?

Summary: Chapter 11 Ponyboy is restricted to bed rest for a week after he wakes up from his concussion. He finds a picture of Bob the Soc in Sodapop’s high school yearbook. Ponyboy, in a delirious state, says that he killed Bob himself and that Johnny is still alive. Darry asks Randy to leave.

What are the major events in chapter 1 of the outsiders?

In the first chapter, Ponyboy introduces himself and gives a brief history of his family. He also describes the relationships between his gang members, and the relationships within his own family. Ponyboy’s parents were killed in an automobile accident, leaving him and his two brothers on their own.

What is a good summary for the outsiders?

The novel tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right and wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an outsider. Ponyboy and his two brothers — Darrel (Darry), who is 20, and Sodapop, who is 16 — have recently lost their parents in an automobile accident.

What is a good title for Chapter 11 in the outsiders?

Chapter 11: “Thinking of Bob”—At the beginning of this chapter Ponyboy is looking through some of Sodapop’s old yearbooks when he comes across a picture of Bob Sheldon, the Soc who was killed by Johnny. Ponyboy begins to reflect on Bob and thinks of what Cherry Valance had said about him and how much she liked him.

Why does Randy visit Ponyboy Chapter 11?

In Chapter 11, Randy comes to visit him because he has missed several days from school. Randy tells Ponyboy that he came over to see how he was doing. Still, readers can infer from Ponyboy and Randy’s conversation that Randy is feeling guilty about all that has happened.

What is the most important event in The Outsiders?

In the novel “The Outsiders,” one important event is the Socs jump Ponyboy on his way home from the movies. This sets up more friction between the Greasers and the Socs.

What is a good title for Chapter 11 in The Outsiders?

What is a good title for chapter 8 in The Outsiders?

Based on Ponyboy’s feelings, an appropriate chapter title might be “Premonition.” A premonition is a strong feeling that something bad or unpleasant will happen soon. In addition to Ponyboy not looking forward to the rumble, the reader learns that Randy has decided not to fight in the rumble.